Turmeric Tea: A Soothing Pain Relief Drink – Life & Style

Turmeric is an important ingredient in our kitchen and has been used as a home remedy since ancient times due to its medicinal properties. And similarly, in case of internal injury, milk mixed with turmeric is also an elixir. But another important form of it is turmeric tea

This warm and soothing drink is not only amazing in taste, but also has powerful medicinal properties, which relieve inflammation and joint pain.

Brew tea in brass pot, get both taste and health

A study has shown that turmeric has anti-inflammatory effects similar to some allopathic medicines, but without the side effects.

Similarly, turmeric is an excellent natural remedy to reduce joint swelling and pain, if used on a daily basis.

By reducing inflammation and pain, turmeric tea makes it easier to walk and perform daily activities.

How to make turmeric tea?

Making turmeric tea is very easy. You will need these ingredients.


  • A cup of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • A pinch of ground black pepper
  • Honey or lemon to taste (this is optional)


Heat water in a pot.

Now add ground turmeric to it.

Now reduce the heat and let it cook for 10 minutes.

Strain the tea into a cup.

Add a pinch of ground black pepper and honey or lemon zest to it

Mix well and enjoy.

If even a small piece of ginger is added to the milk mixed with turmeric, its effectiveness increases

It should be noted that high quality turmeric should be selected for making turmeric tea.