Türkiye Warns Israel, Erdogan Ready to Use Military

Türkiye Warns Israel, Erdogan Ready to Use Military

During a speech in his hometown of Rize on Sunday, Recep Erdogan stressed that Turkey should show strength in response to Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip. — If we are strong, Israel cannot behave this way towards Palestine. Just as we intervened in Karabakh and Libya, we can do the same — Erdogan said.

The Turkish president suggested that Israel’s actions could pose a threat not only to Palestine, but also to Turkey itself. — Who can guarantee that those who are destroying Gaza today will not turn their attention to Anatolia tomorrow? — asked the Turkish leader.

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Turkey played a key role in the Second Karabakh War between Armenia and Azerbaijan, supplying military drones to Azerbaijan. During the 2020 Libyan civil war, Turkey supported the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA), recognized by the UN, in its fight against Khalifa Haftar’s forces backed by Russian mercenaries.

Relations between Israel and Turkey have deteriorated significantly following the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. in early October 2023. Israel, accused of war crimes, withdrew some of its diplomats from Ankara, and Turkey recalled its ambassador in Tel Aviv for consultations.

See also: Welcome to the New Middle Ages. A famous thinker discusses what the world order will look like in 2100.



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