Türkiye unveils ‘Iron Dome’

According to the Turkish Anadolu Agency, the Defense Industries Executive Committee decided, in its meeting chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on August 6, to develop the “Steel Dome” project to enhance the security of Turkish airspace.

Within the framework of this project, the Turkish defense industry companies “ASELSAN”, “ROKETSAN”, “MKE”, and the Defense Industry Research and Development Institute of the Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK SAGA) are cooperating to implement the “Steel Dome” project, which is described as a “system of systems” as it combines several systems and weapons with different features and powers.

Local and national systems developed by these companies will be integrated with each other using artificial intelligence.

The “Steel Dome” will be equipped with air defense weapon systems, radar, electro-optical systems, communication units, command control stations, and artificial intelligence, to become the “guardian” of Turkey’s airspace.

Aselsan Systems

The project is expected to use air defense systems developed by Turkish defense company ASELSAN such as Korkut, Hisar-A+, Gokdemir, Gokar, Gokperk, Siper, and Hisar-O+.

ASELSAN developed the Korkut system for the purpose of effective air defense of mechanized units with mobile elements, while the Hisar-A+ air defense missile system can eliminate air threats at low altitudes in order to provide air defense for troops on the move.

The Gokdemir launch system, together with the air-to-air missiles being developed at the national level, aims to contribute to ground-based air defense purposes.

Roketsan with its defense and missile systems

Roketsan will also contribute to the Steel Dome project with the defense systems it has developed.

Among these systems is the Alka directed energy weapons system, which can use a laser system to neutralize swarms of small and very small drones within a safe range.

The Burj portable air defense system is a new generation system that combines the dynamics required to engage all current and future air threats on the battlefield through active and passive sensors.

The Sungur air defense missile system will also be used in the Steel Dome project for short-range air defense of mobile and fixed units and facilities on the battlefield and in rear areas.

The Hisar air defense system missiles are used to protect bases, ports, facilities and military units from air threats such as fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft and drones, cruise missiles and air-to-ground missiles.

The Sabre long-range air and missile defense system is used to neutralize air-breathing targets (those with engines that require air to burn fuel) such as cruise missiles and air-to-surface missile attacks. With its long range, it also plays a deterrent role.

Tubitac Saga and MKE Systems

The Scientific and Technological Research Council’s Defense Industries Research and Development Institute (TUBITAK SAGA) is expected to contribute to the “Steel Dome” system with the “Gokdogan” and “Bozdogan” missiles it manufactures.

Electronic systems such as the military-grade GPS Kashif and the KKS antenna play an active role in Turkey’s defense.

AI Support

The Steel Dome enables all weapons, sensors and multi-layered air defense systems to operate in a single, integrated network with the help of artificial intelligence.

You will also be able to draw a joint aerial image and send it via artificial intelligence to operations and decision-making centers.

Source: “Anatolia”

#Türkiye #unveils #Iron #Dome
2024-08-09 20:01:41



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