Turkish Tides of Change: Meet Hakan Fidan, the Unlikely Diplomatic Force Behind Komotini’s New Era

The meeting took place at the headquarters of the Turkish Foreign Ministry in Ankara. The famous “Committee” is an informal, non-existent, association of persons and illegal entities under the control of the Turkish Consulate in Komotini! It is trying to assert itself as the “higher” body of the minority, in order to give its high-ranking officials prestige and recognition.

In essence, it is not an official body, it is not elected, it is not accountable anywhere, except for the current Turkish Consul of Komotini. Details of what was discussed at the meeting have not been released. However, and as was natural and expected, the meeting was particularly highlighted by the Turkish-speaking media of Thrace, which are in the sphere of influence of the Consulate.

In the meantime, the president of the self-proclaimed “European Federation of ‘Turks’ of ‘Western’ Thrace”, Halit Habipoglou, continues to smear Greece wherever he stands and wherever he is. Accompanied by the Director of International Relations of the “Federation” Melek Kirmachi, he made a working visit to Strasbourg, alongside the Ordinary Autumn Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Once again, he claimed that the rule of law is under threat in Greece and again referred to the lockout of the Fenerbahce fan club which had the phrase “Western” Thrace in its title, which Greece does not recognize. Of course, his rhetoric did not lack the “adventures” of the Party of Equality, Peace and Friendship with Justice, after the “inflammatory” statement of its president about “Turkish” voters in the last European elections. In fact, Habipoglou went so far as to claim that there is “stigmatization” and “targeting” of members of the minority with the aim of creating an “internal enemy”!

It is recalled that this is not the first time that this “Federation” has gone on anti-Greek delirium. Halit Habipoglou, who originates from the small minority village of Mirana Rodopis but has been living and working in the municipality of Witten in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany for the past few decades, maintains close relations with the Turkish Foreign Ministry and frequently throws “fires” announcements against Greece.

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#Hakan #Fidan #cream #crop #Turkish #Consulate #Komotini



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