Turkey: Terrorists neutralized – 6 dead

Table of Contents

According to what has been made known by the Turkish media, the two perpetrators of the terrorist attack were neutralized, while another four people were fatally wounded by the attack.

At the same time dozens are injured and three of them are fighting for their lives. Ali Gerlikaya in his first statements set the tone for the following day. The Minister of the Interior of Turkey referred to the identity of the perpetrators, stressing that investigations have already begun.

«We condemn terrorism. Identification efforts are ongoing. Once they are identified, we will share with our dear nation what terrorist organization they are» he said, among other things, in his statements.

Turkey: Erdogan’s strict message

In his post, Tayyip Erdogan pointed out that every “dirty hand that reaches out to Turkey will be cut off”. “The terrorist attack against TAI, one of the locomotives of the Turkish defense industry, is a despicable attack on the survival of our country, the peace of our nation and our defense initiatives which are the symbol of our ideal ‘Fully Independent Turkey’ ».

From the first moment of the terrorist attack, our security forces quickly intervened and neutralized the terrorists. Our nation must know that the dirty hands reaching out to Turkey will be broken once and for all – no structure, no terrorist organization, no evil focus aimed at our security will be able to achieve its goals.

Our fight against all kinds of terrorist threats and their supporters will continue with determination, determination and in a multi-dimensional way. I pray to God to have mercy on our brothers who were martyred in the treacherous act of terrorism and I wish a speedy recovery to our injured. I extend my best wishes to our nation and to the dedicated employees of TAI, the source of pride of our defense industry.” he said in his message.

They see the PKK

At the same time, the Turkish media emphasize that the PKK is probably behind the attack. What Haberturk mentions is typical. According to her publication, one of the two terrorists has already been identified.

In particular, this is a man who was born in 1992 in Beitusebab. It is an area near Turkey’s border with Iraq and Syria with the 32-year-old allegedly being a member of the PKK.

The timeline of the attack

At midday on Wednesday and while the facility’s security was being changed, two people got out of a taxi and moved towards the gate. They immediately started firing with the security men returning fire.

At the same time, two explosions occurred before the attackers proceeded inside one of the buildings of the facility. An alarm was immediately raised and special police forces arrived at the scene, while ambulances took the injured to the hospitals.

A little later it became known that a man and a woman were behind the attack. According to what has been made known by the Turkish media, the two attackers were neutralized, while another four people were fatally wounded by the attack. At the same time dozens are injured and three of them are fighting for their lives.

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#Turkey #Terrorists #neutralized #dead
It looks like you've shared ​a portion of a JavaScript file used for setting up Google Ad⁤ Manager (GAM) and related advertising services on a​ webpage. Here's a breakdown of the key components and functions in your script:

Key ​Components:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- Multiple ad slots are defined using googletag.defineSlot. Each slot has a specific ad unit ID, various size options, and is associated with a specific ⁤targeting.

- For ⁤example:


googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/eleftherostypos.gr/inreadvideo', [[310,180],[560,320],[1,1],[300,250]], 'inreadvideo')

  1. Size​ Mapping:

​- The script uses size mapping ‍functions like ⁢ defineSizeMapping(articleSizes) to define ⁤which ad sizes should be served based on ‌different conditions (e.g., screen size,‍ device type).

  1. Targeting:

‍ - Ad targeting⁢ is defined using googletag.pubads().setTargeting(), allowing ​specific ads to be served based on page attributes, such as pageType, category, and articleid.

  1. Loading and Displaying Ads:

- The script enables ad services and configures them to collapse empty divs and disable ‍initial load:




-‍ Ads are then displayed using a⁣ function displaySlot('slotname').

  1. Google AdSense and Other ⁣Scripts:

‍ - The ⁤script conditionally loads AdSense ads based​ on whether the device is mobile or desktop.​ It also contains placeholders for additional scripts like ‍OneSignal, Disqus, and ‌others to integrate various functionalities ​(e.g.,‌ notifications, commenting).

  1. Miscellaneous ⁤Comments:

⁤ - The script includes commented-out sections, indicating that additional ad network setups⁣ or features⁣ can easily be integrated by uncommenting and modifying the appropriate code.


  • Responsive Design: Ensure that ad sizes are capable​ of responding to different screen sizes correctly. The size mappings⁤ should accurately reflect the design when viewed on various devices.
  • Performance: Monitor the performance of the page, as loading too many scripts or ad services can⁣ lead to slower load times, which might impact user experience and SEO.
  • Compliance: ⁢Be mindful of user privacy and consent, especially regarding ad tracking and usage‍ of scripts like OneSignal or Disqus.

Possible Enhancements:

  • Consider implementing asynchronous script ⁢loading for improved performance.
  • Regularly ensure that ⁣the ⁢ad unit ⁣IDs and sizes reflect any changes in the ⁤advertising strategy.
  • Keep an eye on any updates‌ from Google or‍ other ad networks for new features or best practices.

Feel free ​to ask if you have specific questions⁢ or need further assistance with any part of this code!
It appears you have shared a script, likely for an advertising implementation on a webpage, with various components for loading different ad services and setting up ads. Here’s an overview and explanation of the key components and functionality in your JavaScript snippet.

Overview of Key Components:

  1. Ad Slot Management:

- The script checks the device type (mobile or desktop) and conditionally loads ads accordingly. It cleans up unnecessary ad slots using remove() for the respective devices.

  1. AdSense Integration:

- It utilizes Google AdSense, targeting specific units using the class adsbygoogle. Depending on whether the user is on mobile or desktop, it may remove certain ads.

  1. Ad Queue Handling:

- There is a mechanism for queuing up advertisements using the AdmanQueue, which is helpful for ensuring that ad requests are executed in the right sequence.

  1. Third-Party Services:

- The code includes integration with various third-party services:

- OneSignal: For push notifications. Initialization includes an app ID specific to your project.

- Disqus: For comment management, with a configuration function defined for page URL and identifier.

- Microsoft Clarity: A script to track user interactions for analytics.

- Yandex Metrica: A web analytics tool, which seems to be partially included.

  1. Dynamic Script Loading:

- Throughout the code, the function asyncLoadScript('...') is used to load scripts for various ad services asynchronously, enhancing the page load speed and user experience.

  1. Error Handling and Fallbacks:

- The script contains error handling for script loading through various fallback mechanisms, ensuring that even if one service fails, others can still execute.

Detailed Breakdown:

  • Device Detection:

if (window.isMobile) {

document.querySelectorAll('.adsense-for-desktop').forEach(function(e) {



} else {

document.querySelectorAll('.adsense-for-mobile').forEach(function(e) {




This part of the code determines whether the current user is on a mobile device and removes the relevant ad slots accordingly.

  • AdSense Slot Initialization:

const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll('.adsbygoogle');

if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {


// Script to load ads can be called here.



Here, it initializes the AdSense slots and prepares to load ads if any are found.

  • Third-Party Integration:

- For example, the OneSignal initialization handles user subscriptions to notifications.

- The Disqus config is preset to associate the comments with a particular page, ensuring user engagement is maintained.

  • Dynamic Loading and Timing:


(function() {

var d = document,

s = d.createElement('script');


s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());

(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);


}, 3000);

This section demonstrates how the script dynamically loads resources after a certain timeout, which can help in managing load on the user's browser.

  • Using Fallback Methods:


The repeated calls to load scripts under various conditions indicate a robust method of managing external resource dependencies.


The provided script exhibits a comprehensive approach to integrate multiple advertising frameworks by taking into account device types, user interactions, and asynchronous loading of resources. By managing ads based on the environment (mobile/desktop), this script aims to optimize the user experience while also ensuring that monetization through ads remains effective.

If you have specific questions or areas of the script you'd like to discuss further, feel free to ask!

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