Turkey, a must-see country for hair tourism?

At present, where the problem of hair loss affects many people, men and women, many countries have also embarked on medical tourism. While some European countries were renowned for dental tourism, it should be noted that many have turned to hair transplantation, in order to get close to the great juggernaut, Turkey. Indeed, when a patient decides to carry out a capillary intervention, he begins by examining his budget, before choosing the city in which said operation must be carried out. It is important to note that in France, Switzerland or Belgium, the cost of this intervention can be around 12,000 Euros, depending on the technique used, or the number of grafts required. Faced with this exorbitant amount for some, people prefer to turn to nearby countries, with specialized clinics and even more these lower prices. Especially Turkey. Medical tourism then very quickly becomes one of the best solutions for finding beautiful hair, without breaking the bank.

Choosing the technique for your intervention: a crucial step

From the outset, it is important to note that each patient suffers from a different form of alopecia than the others. So any beard or hair transplant must be adapted to the nature of the hair, using technological responses and different intervention methods. It is therefore incumbent on the specialist to know how to practice all the methods of implanting grafts, with the best chances of success. So, when you choose your clinic, for a hair intervention, make sure that the method adapted to your needs is practiced. For example, if you choose a clinic in Budapest, you will not be able to undergo a DHI hair transplantbecause it is not practiced there, on the other hand FUE hair transplant and.

Turkey or another country?

Turkey is a country of several million inhabitants and located between Asia and Europe. It is bordered by two seas. The world capital of hair transplantation does not reveal itself entirely to the rest of the world from the first meeting. It is important to note that Istanbul offers several surprises for patients who wish to do hair tourism in this beautiful city. Let’s add that everything is gathered in this city to allow visitors to feel good and to recommend the area for a potential hair transplant.

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