Turbulent Times: An Artist and His Beloved in a Battle with Destiny

2024-09-07 09:00:00

Actress Gabriela Gaumet’s debut feature, Forbidden Painting, will premiere tonight at 9 pm at La Caja Mágica de Cipolletti, and the theater will be full: there have been no tickets for several days. (see below). The film was written in 2022, when Gohmert decided to shoot the film during the pandemic, and in early 2023 it was decided that he would direct it.

The cast members of “La Caja Mágica” told her that, yes, they really enjoyed the play they had just read.
Chronologically, taking place in early 2001, “The Forbidden Painting” is, in the words of the author, a tragicomedy that, like the country at that time, took place and erupted in all the crises that can be remembered in Argentina, at least in modern times. Be democratic.

Great cast. Gabriela Gaumet and the actors and actresses who accompanied her in her first production.

In Forbidden Painting, the visual artist Eliseo and the architect Juana form a couple with unfulfilled desires who make decisions that go beyond what is allowed. But a crisis—a crisis from without—seems to allow anything to happen. Neighbors will be essential players in revealing intersections. Together with them, the gallery owner and her bodyguard will become part of a surreal scene.

“I started writing this work in 2022,” Gao Mei said. But the idea to do so came about during the pandemic. The pandemic has enabled this space to research and create theatre. Until that moment I was more focused on acting. By early 2023, I had it written. There we started thinking about how to implement it. We met with my colleagues on Caja Mágica, I showed them the script, they liked it, and I decided to direct it. Then I called the actors and on the first reading they told me ‘Yeah, I want to do that.’

During a very difficult period in Argentina, a painter and his partner, cornered by their own and other people’s financial problems, began to make decisions that, in Gaume’s words, would go slightly beyond what was permissible, which is The reason why the painting is called forbidden. The painting starts out as a simple commission for the painter to complete, but when he tries to complete this commission, everything will not be that simple and everything will get worse.

“Many stories will have crossovers,” Gao Mei predicted. “There was a neighbor involved. That neighbor brought about a personal conflict that transcended the couple’s conflict and it was not just about work but about relationships. They had to deliver that painting that day, which is why there was a gallery owner and Her bodyguard, all their stories will start to intertwine, all the characters are hiding something: the painter is hiding something from the couple, the couple is hiding something from the painter, the neighbor is also hiding something from them About the same thing, the bouncer and the gallery owner did the same thing, until one day, it was inevitable that everything would explode in some way.

“Forbidden Painting” was created by Gao Mei after the quarantine ended in 2022.

Gabriela Gaumet is from Córdoba, Río Cuarto, and has a degree in psychology from the National University of Córdoba. Despite her commitment to clinics, she has been involved in theater for at least thirty years, starting an acting studio when she was a teenager and has never stopped.

After living for several years in the city of Córdoba, Gaumet settled in the Alto Valley, first in Centenario and then in Cinco Saltos, where he currently lives and practices his profession. There she also participated in the stage production of this work, her first as a playwright and director.

Q: What do you want to tell, and what story did you think of when you thought of staging it?
Various axes. On the one hand, the couple’s bond in the economic crisis, and what’s happening outside, as it happened on the first days of December 2001, when economic decisions drove people into the streets. Little things started happening inside too. What’s happening outside is starting to explode inside as well. Another important axis is the story of how an artist survives, how a person who wants to make a living from art does so in times of crisis.

“Forbidden Painting”: technical sheet and features

author: Gabriella Gomet.
Their behavior: Pablo Vitulich, Paola Cortona, Leticia Pérez, Gisele Glinka and Pablo Cosa.
Art direction: Alejandro Manriquez
locker room: Victoria Minor
Scene design: Veenbo Theatre.
Sound editor: Facundo Carrero.
choreographer: Florencia Fernandez.
lightning: Barbara Travis.
cosmetic: Josefina Porter.
photo: Facundo Carrero.
General production: Veenbo Theatre.
Stage and direction: Gabriella Gomet.

Premiere Saturday 7th September 9pm (sold out). Available features September 14, 21 and 28 at 9 p.m.
place: Magic Box Theater (Mariano Moreno 354, Cipolletti).
General Admission: $10,000
To purchase them from Alias: lacajamagicateatro (send receipt to 2996911723.

#Drama #artist #wife #hurry #trouble #wrong

– ⁤What themes ​of creativity and crisis are explored in Gabriela Gaumet’s play “Forbidden Painting”?

Forbidden‍ Painting: A Tragicomedy Born in⁤ Argentina’s Crisis

As the world marks September 7, 2024, a new theatrical production is set to premiere at La Caja Mágica de Cipolletti, a‌ testament to the power of creativity in times​ of crisis. Actress Gabriela Gaumet’s debut feature, Forbidden Painting, ⁣is a tragicomedy that tackles the complexities of human relationships and the boundaries of what is allowed.

A Story of Unfulfilled Desires and Crisis

The play, written‍ in 2022 and directed by ⁢Gaumet ‌herself,‍ takes place in early 2001, a time of ‍great crisis in ​Argentina. The‍ story‍ follows Eliseo, a visual artist, and‌ Juana, an architect, as they navigate their unfulfilled desires and ​the decisions they make that ⁣go beyond what is permissible.‌ As they face their own financial problems and⁣ those of others, they are‌ forced to confront the consequences of their actions.

Neighbors and Surreal Scenes

In ‌this surreal world,‌ neighbors become ⁢essential​ players in revealing the intersections ​of their lives. The gallery ​owner and her bodyguard add⁤ to the chaos, creating a scene that ‍is both fantastical ​and relatable. As the characters ​navigate ‌their ​relationships and ​the crisis that surrounds them, they‌ must‍ confront the forbidden and the consequences of their actions.

From Pandemic to Premiere

Gaumet’s inspiration ⁢for the play came during the pandemic, ⁢a time of great uncertainty and confinement. The⁢ pandemic allowed her to explore her creative side, ‌shifting her⁢ focus from acting ⁤to writing and directing.⁣ After sharing her script with her colleagues at La Caja Mágica, they expressed their enthusiasm for ⁣the project, and the production was born.

The Power of Creativity in Crisis

Forbidden Painting​ is a testament to the power of creativity​ in times of crisis. As the world faces its ⁤own set of challenges, art and theatre can provide a platform for expression, reflection, and growth. Gaumet’s play is⁢ a reflection of this, offering a ‍unique insight⁤ into the human experience and the boundaries we push in times of‍ need.

Inspirations and Influences

While Gaumet’s play is a unique ⁣work, it is not without its influences. The world⁤ of ⁤art and theatre is filled‌ with‍ examples of creative expression in times of crisis



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