Tunisia-Italy talks on migration, IMF negotiations, and debt cancellation

2023-06-06 17:47:00

Migration, negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as Tunisia’s foreign debt, these are the key issues that were on the agenda of the meeting held on Tuesday at the Carthage Palace between President of the Republic, Kais Saïed and the President of the Italian Council, Giorgia Meloni, on a friendly and working visit to Tunisia at the invitation of the Head of State.

Quoted in a press release from the Presidency of the Republic published on Tuesday, President Saïed took this meeting to review the solid and strong relations of friendship and cooperation between Tunisia and Italy, recalling in this respect a few dates- beacon testifying to the rapprochement between the two peoples.

The meeting also made it possible to discuss many important issues, including in particular the question of irregular migration which constitutes in its essence an “inhuman migration”, reports the same press release.

In this regard, the Head of State told Meloni that Tunisia “assumes an enormous burden and faces many challenges, in the sense that it is no longer just a transit point for migrants but also and above all a destination for many of them who settle there illegally. »

And the Head of State added that “groups of them have created illegal private schools and nurseries, thus violating the legislation in force in the country, something that we can no longer accept. »

“It is the State which holds the prerogative to legislate, it is also the State which oversees its implementation, yet this legislation applies to all without exception. “, said President Saïed.

The Head of State assured the Italian official and the delegation accompanying her that this phenomenon, which continues to grow and gain ground day by day, can only be tackled collectively. , pleading in return for a “common solution within the framework of a Summit to which the countries concerned in the southern Mediterranean, the Sub-Saharan region and the northern Mediterranean will be invited.

President Kais Saied noted in this regard that “all roads no longer lead only to Rome, but also lead to Tunisia”, which in itself constitutes “an abnormal phenomenon both for Tunisia and for the countries to which these immigrants.

On the other hand, the Head of State warned once morest the existence of criminal networks that traffic in people and organs, whether in African countries or in the countries of the northern Mediterranean , calling for working together to confront these organizations which take for easy prey migrants lost at sea and in the shifting sands of the deserts before reaching the areas where they want to settle.

For President Kais Saied the solution is no longer a truncated security solution. It is important for him to tackle the substance of the subject by attacking its origins, misery, extreme poverty and deprivation, reaffirming in this respect the imperative of working collectively with a view to instilling a a glimmer of hope in the hearts of migrants so that they no longer leave their homelands, and that is to say, by acting through an effective strategy targeting the economic and the social.

Addressing the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Head of State unequivocally reiterated the “categorical rejection of any form of diktat”, stressing that those who hasten to propose “ready-to-wear” formulas very much like an attending physician who prescribes a drug before he can identify the nature of the pathology.

An approach that is at best false, at worst deleterious, which will neither bring happiness nor remedy to the patient. On the contrary, continues the Head of State, it will complicate the situation and will inevitably be a source of social instability in Tunisia and might even have enormous repercussions which will spare no one in the region, hammered once more the head of the state.

Also, the President of the Republic debated with the President of the Italian Council the question of the cancellation of the Tunisian external debt which undermines the budgetary balance of the State and the means of activating the mechanism of conversion of the debt into development projects, stressing that large sums of these debts have been robbed according to the testimonies of many international institutions.


Article date

18:43  06/06/2023

last update

06/06/2023  18:47

#President #Saïed #receives #Georgia #Meloni #Migration #negotiations #IMF #background #RTCI



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