Tumulation – Haunted Funeral Creations

2023-08-02 07:00:05

(c) Tumulation

It reads like an absolute silly idea, but in the end it’s anything but: three of the four members of the Californian death metal band Conjureth swap instruments and roles for a side project. Tumulation devote themselves to the death-doom primordial soup of the early 90s and celebrate tough, ponderous extremes. Instead of the possibly suspected fun band, however, it sets crushing seriousness with substance, like the first album „Haunted Funeral Creations“ demonstrated quite impressively.

A deliberately ominous, at the same time thundering intro lays the foundation for the murmur in the morgue, following which “Shattered Under The Eclipse” immediately goes into overdrive. It takes quite a while for the US trio to find their way into the song, but you can hardly escape the threatening, oppressive atmosphere. Guttural, hoarse growls, underproduced guitars and sometimes clattering drums fill up in booming slow motion, accompanied by rare infernal melodic approaches. In the second half, washed-out solo approaches strive for some variety, onomatopoeic and disturbing. You linger in second gear and rob – in the best sense – the last nerve.

The sheer force of “Rites Of Forgotten Misery” showcases Tumulation at its best. Again and once more they hint at small escape attempts, squint in the direction of a full sprint, only to end up touching a lot of lead, which works great. Rarely do they increase the number of beats, for example in “Astral Sickness”. Although this is in the quite moderate range, it provides valuable accents in the midst of what feels like a permanent downfall scenario. “Bound To The Rakasha” maximizes these impressions, reminds of the main band in places and yet always finds its way back to the rancid-Doomy primordial soup before an overly long, oppressive outro torpedoes all senses.

Broken in the best sense of the word, that’s probably what “Haunted Funeral Creations” is all regarding. From the weird idea of ​​instrumental rotation, a stylish death-doom work develops that celebrates all the advantages of the old school with growing enthusiasm. About 40 (extremely) oppressive minutes are exhausting in the best sense of the word, tear down walls and hit the soul in the most pleasant sense. Tumulation have an inherent understanding of their musical forefathers and deliver a pleasant antithesis to the summer heat. A look at their other band is also worthwhile.

Rating: 8/10

Available from: 04.08.2023
Available through: Hammerheart Records (SPV)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/tumulation

Tags: conjureth, death doom, death metal, haunted funeral creations, review, tumulation

Category: Magazin, Reviews

#Tumulation #Haunted #Funeral #Creations



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