Tuesday next day of the decision in the SPÖ

2023-06-09 17:49:12

The SPÖ committees will decide on the vacant top positions in the party on Tuesday. As the APA was reported in the evening, the Executive Committee and Board of Directors met in the morning. From noon on, the committees of the club will meet. Party leader Andreas Babler has to fill the federal management. The club elects a new faction leader. Babeler, however, spoke out in favor of early elections.

Pamela Rendi-Wagner will remain in the National Council until the end of the month, but not as a club chairwoman. It is unclear who will succeed her in this role. There are numerous candidates, such as Babler supporter Julia Herr and women’s boss Eva Maria Holzleitner. Finance spokesman Jan Krainer might also be considered as a concession to the Vienna City Party, which recently supported Babler. The camp of Hans Peter Doskozil might be tried to be merciful with health spokesman Philip Kucher.

Equally important is the replacement of the federal management, which has been vacant since last week’s party conference, as party manager Christian Deutsch withdrew with the event. The list of candidates here is similar, following trade unionist Willi Mernyi once once more waved his hand. Currently, the Senior Secretary for Organization Christian Sapetschnig, deputy district manager in Vienna-Alsergrund, coordinates a “Babler district” in Löwelstraße.

The new party manager is formally elected by the executive board, to whom Babler intends to make a proposal on the spot. The club leadership is determined in a club general meeting in the followingnoon.

The new SPÖ boss himself has spoken out in favor of new elections. “I’m ready for new elections. The faster the country gets a perspective that means an improvement for most people in this country, the better,” he told the “Standard” (Saturday edition). When asked that the next possible election date might take place in September, Babeler said they had seen “that we can set up a campaign in a very short time”.

Babler wants to discuss an EU army, which the NEOS advocate. It is regarding what European security policy should look like, also with regard to the outcome of the next US elections. “What is NATO’s strategy? What does all this mean for Austrian neutrality: Can it be expanded? We are at the beginning of a process,” he said.

Criticism from his own ranks – for example, Tyrol’s deputy governor Georg Dornauer had spoken out in favor of maintaining a Tyrolean migration policy – he had clarified internally, as Babler explained in the “Standard”. You can call him 24/7. Tyrol has “no migration policy that I would know”, he might not avoid a dig.

Vienna’s mayor and SPÖ leader Michael Ludwig was meanwhile convinced that peace would return to social democracy, as he emphasized in “Vienna Today”. “It should be clear to everyone in charge that now is the time to signal unity. Anything else would be a suicidal route to take,” he said. Compromises are necessary in a democracy as in a democratic party. Babler stands for the “brand essence of social democracy,” Ludwig told ORF and Puls 24, but it was also necessary to address different target groups.

Of course, not everyone is satisfied – and in the current situation, party exits are also given special attention: the former Salzburg housing councilor Walter Blachfellner left the SPÖ following 52 years, as he told the ORF on Friday. He gave a “prepotent attitude of many functionaries” as the reason, specifically he named the “Viennese comrades”, “the women” and the “private employees’ union”. You can’t “overrule” the members, said Blachfellner, referring to the fact that Doskozil won the member survey, but Babler came out on top at the party conference. “There are now functionaries who believe that they are worth more than the members. For me, these people have trampled on democracy. (…) If there is now someone at the top who was the first to say: ‘ Even if I don’t win, I stand up for the party congress’, then I’ve lost nothing in this community.”

Because of Babler’s statements on Marxism, the former third state parliament president and club chairman of the SPÖ in Lower Austria, Alfredo Rosenmaier, suspended his party membership a few days ago: “I cannot and will not accept an avowed communist at the head of our movement,” the Ebenfurth city manager explained his step according to “courier”.

#Tuesday #day #decision #SPÖ



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