Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Campaign: End TB in Thailand 2024

Tuberculosis Control and Prevention Campaign: End TB in Thailand 2024

2024-03-22 21:31:05

Today (22 March 2024) at the Ministry of Public Health Associate Professor Dr. Cherdchai Tantisirin Assistant Minister of Public Health along with Professor Emeritus Dr. Attha Nana, President of the Tuberculosis Suppression Association of Thailand under Royal Patronage, Dr. Niti Hetanurak, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control and Dr. Jos Vandelaer, representative of the organization. World Health Organization Thailand Jointly held a press conference to campaign to end tuberculosis on International Tuberculosis Day 2024.

Associate Professor Dr. Cherdchai Tantisirin said that the Ministry of Public Health As a government agency that is responsible for putting policies into direct practice and has always given importance to the tuberculosis problem There are plans and activities to push forward. Driving the country’s policies for prevention, care, treatment, and control of tuberculosis. To reduce morbidity and mortality from tuberculosis. which the operation will not be successful If there is no cooperation from network partners Therefore, we would like to thank all network partners in every sector. Both the government and private sectors everywhere level of operations here as well and sincerely hope that We will have good cooperation like this forever.

Associate Professor Dr. Cherdchai Tantisirin added that over the past 3-4 years, we have worked hard on controlling COVID-19, but we are also dedicated to controlling and preventing tuberculosis. Together they achieved “Success stories : the journey of Thailand” including 1) being able to remove Thailand from the group of countries with the highest number and rate of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis cases in the world in 2018. 2021 2) Able to push policy to add benefits to 7 groups at high risk of tuberculosis into the national health insurance system in 2022 3) There is a search for screening and diagnosis with lung X-rays. and examine sputum using molecular techniques molecular biology level as well as registering for treatment of tuberculosis patients and drug-resistant tuberculosis with short-term drug regimens and new drugs. in every healthcare facility across the country 4) Expand the network to detect latent tuberculosis infection. To enter a treatment system for latent tuberculosis infection in exposed groups covering the entire country. 5) Develop an AI artificial intelligence program for chest radiography. To proactively screen the population at risk, ready to be installed with the X-ray machine system on the vehicles of mobile service units in network partners throughout the country. 6) Develop a database system program. Management of tuberculosis patients in Thailand (NTIP) and has registered the copyright for the computer program used as the only database in Thailand. with the Department of Intellectual Property 7) Develop cooperation at various levels Both in the hospital University in medical education institution Ministry of Education Cooperate in accelerating proactive tuberculosis screening in prisons, Ministry of Justice, according to the Correctional Sharing Project, Doing Good for the Nation, Religion, and King, and 8) Developing international cooperation in reviewing the national tuberculosis plan. Latent tuberculosis research study Tuberculosis control operations in migrant populations and border areas in the Mekong Subregion A national tuberculosis prevalence survey in Thailand has also been prepared in collaboration with the international community.

Dr. Niti Hetanurak, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control, said that World TB Day falls on March 24 every year. This year, various organizations at the international level Has set a message to communicate to all sectors working together to campaign in the same direction, namely YES! WE CAN END TB or “End TB, we can do it” as a message to communicate to all sectors to campaign in the same direction. that tuberculosis remains the world’s deadliest killer infectious disease; Each day, more than 4,000 people will die from tuberculosis and nearly 30,000 people will fall ill with tuberculosis every day. As for Thailand, in the year 2023, the World Health Organization has estimated that There are 111,000 new cases of tuberculosis per year and more than 12,000 tuberculosis-related deaths per year.

which the Ministry of Public Health has given importance and have always been aware of the tuberculosis problem and has carried out tuberculosis control work according to the national action plan for combating tuberculosis in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is in line with the End TB Strategy in 2035, emphasizing and giving Strategic importance is 1) expedite the search and diagnose tuberculosis patients and drug-resistant tuberculosis patients in all risk groups. 2) Improve the level of care for tuberculosis patients and drug-resistant tuberculosis patients. 3) Increase the efficiency of access to diagnosis and treatment for latent tuberculosis infection. and preventing the spread of infection; 4) strengthening the support system for tuberculosis operations; and 5) promoting research and development of innovations in prevention, care, and control of tuberculosis. Committed to working to end tuberculosis To reduce the death rate from tuberculosis by 95 percent and new cases by 90 percent by 2035.

Dr. Jos Vandelaer, World Health Organization representative for Thailand, said that despite the challenges, Thailand has made great progress and achieved great success. In particular, the inclusion of tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment services through a benefit package under the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) initiative is a guarantee that everyone has access to essential health services without financial burden. Thailand also Adopt WHO guidelines on preventive treatment of tuberculosis (TPT) – proactive measures to stop the disease before it begins to spread in at-risk populations – by 2023, according to the conference. The UN High-Level Meeting on UHC has set global targets for TB diagnosis and treatment to be achieved by 2027. However, challenges remain in Achieving global goals It is necessary to address the social determinants of TB such as malnutrition, poverty, smoking, and harmful use of alcohol. co-infections and lifestyles through strong and sustainable primary health care (PHC) and multidisciplinary approaches These strategies should be based on a people-focused approach. To improve equitable access to quality, comprehensive and affordable health services through effective referral systems to other levels of care. Including coverage of migrants under the social security program. Today is to commemorate World Tuberculosis Day. We express our condolences to the millions of patients around the world. and those who died And we also appreciate the tireless efforts of healthcare professionals, communities, civil society, advocates, partners and donors working to end TB.

Professor Emeritus Dr. Attha Nana, President of the Tuberculosis Suppression Association of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage, said the Tuberculosis Suppression Association of Thailand under the Royal Patronage. has always been aware of this problem and has continued the work of ending tuberculosis According to the royal wishes of His Majesty King Mahidaladhibet Adulyadej Vikrom Praboromrajchanok In the mission to fight tuberculosis By supporting cooperation with medical and public health officials. and other organizations with similar objectives in treating, controlling, preventing and eliminating tuberculosis. By the Tuberculosis Suppression Association of Thailand under the Royal Patronage There are established procedures as follows: 1) Promote and support diagnostic activities. and treat tuberculosis patients 2) Take action and cooperate in public health To prevent and control tuberculosis. 3) Conduct and cooperate in tuberculosis research. and disseminate knowledge regarding tuberculosis to Various multidisciplinary groups 4) Promote and support communication and public relations, health education, knowledge regarding tuberculosis to the public and other operations. which will bring benefits to the people and the nation further

Tuberculosis is a contagious respiratory disease. that spreads the virus from sick people through coughing, sneezing, and talking. People who are infected are more likely to become sick with tuberculosis. When sick, it affects the patient and family, but it is a disease that is not as scary as you think. Because it can be cured By taking the medicine continuously as ordered by the doctor for approximately 6 months, with urgent examination required or diagnose quickly When there are abnormal symptoms Or when we know that we are a household contact. People who have close contact with tuberculosis patients Get tested for tuberculosis as soon as possible at a hospital or public health service center near your home. To enter the standard treatment process Tuberculosis can be cured. Reduce the spread of infection to other people. and have a good attitude, not discriminating, not devaluing, not discriminating once morest TB patients People can ask for more information at the Tuberculosis Division at 0 2211 2224 or the Department of Disease Control hotline at 1422.


Information from: Tuberculosis Division/Risk Communication Office, Department of Disease Control

March 22, 2024

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