TSMC announces the construction of a second chip plant to meet semiconductor demand in the United States

The White House and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has announced plans to build a second chip plant in Arizona, AZCentral reported. Semiconductor imports, according to an engadget report.

The two TSMC plants will collectively produce 600,000 chips a year, and Ronnie Chatterjee of the National Economic Council told CNBC: “On a large scale, these two plants can meet the entire American demand for American chips when completed, and we will not have to rely on Anyone else to make the chips we need.”

The newly announced plant will produce advanced 3nm chips by 2026, and the expansion represents one of the largest foreign direct investments in the United States and the largest in Arizona.

TSMC recently upgraded its plans at its first facility as well, announcing that it will now make 4nm chips instead of 5nm. The first chips are slated to be made there starting in 2024, and Apple and NVIDIA are said to be among the first customers.

The CHIPS and Science Act appropriates $52.7 billion in loans and other incentives, plus billions more in tax credits to encourage investment in the US semiconductor industry. The legislation aims to boost private financing in the US chip industry.

In the same context, the European Union and the United States are implementing a “transparency” mechanism on public support for the chip sector during the coming period to provide support for semiconductors.

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