TSE says that the MP asks for information “every day” and details how it obtained the Electoral Registry – 2024-07-29 22:41:02

On July 29, the presiding judge of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Blanca Alfarogave a press conference in which he gave details about the request made by the Public Ministry (MP) regarding the Electoral Registry.

On July 24 of this year, the authorities of the TSE They expressed concern about the request of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunityas well as information to former members of the Departmental Electoral Boards and of the Central District.

Alfaro expanded on the details at the headquarters of the TSE this Monday, and detailed that the MP required one of the computers used in the 2023 general electionswhich contained details of the Electoral Register.

“Now it works in the hands of the Public ministry and the tax agents who made the field research or test advance. We know that the Public ministry recognizes how delicate the data is, much of it sensitive, because they are around 10 million people that we are with our data, mainly with our electoral residence,” he explained Alfaro.

He added that they have received requests for information “every day”, but that the cases are under reserve.

“We have not stopped receiving Communications of requests on a single day“, he said.

Government speaks out

During the morning of this Monday, the head of the Secretariat of Communication of the Government of GuatemalaSantiago Palomo referred to the request for the Electoral Registry made by the Public Prosecutor’s Office to the TSE.

Palomo indicated that the “Seizure of the Electoral Register” is a “serious and unjustifiable interference” by the MP.

He argued that the register contains sensitive information of citizenswhich could be used illegally for spurious purposes.

“The Government of the Republic urges the authorities of the Judicial system to correct the actions of judges and prosecutors who have allowed institutional abuse at the hands of the Public Prosecutor’s Office,” he said.

He also said that those found guilty should be punished. responsible and called on political parties and elected authorities to “to manifest” y “defend the right to vote”.

Seed Case

The Public Prosecutor’s Office reported on July 24 that the requirements are listed as part of the investigation of the Seed Corruption case in phase 3, related to the crime of money laundering or other assets, which is confidential.

MP reacts

Following the statements made by the aforementioned officials regarding the electoral register, the investigative body reacted on social media and stated: “The Public Prosecutor’s Office reports that it is totally false and irresponsible to state that the electoral register was seized.”

“This is in relation to the statements made by several officials on social media and at press conferences,” he added.

He stated that within the framework of the investigations of the Semilla Corruption case in its phase 3, “he carried out proceedings authorized by the comptroller judge, a file that is under reserve.”

“During the proceedings, the prosecutor in charge of the case was emphatic in warning all those present that the case is being kept confidential, which is why it is surprising that officials are disseminating information from a file that is being kept confidential,” according to the MP.

“Therefore, violating the confidentiality of a case under investigation is a criminal offence that could be classified as obstruction of criminal proceedings or disobedience,” he warned.

#TSE #asks #information #day #details #obtained #Electoral #Registry



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