TS-LKD formed a list of candidates for the European Parliament: Andrius Kubilius became the leader of the list

For the first time, people who do not belong to the party, who registered in advance, helped form the list of candidates for the European Parliament elections.

After the votes were counted, the leader of the list became the MEP Andrius Kubilius, who was voted for by 3174 voters.

The following are:

MEP Rasa Juknevičienė (2912 votes);

Vice-Chairman of the Seimas Paulius Saudargas (2162 votes);

MEP Liudas Mažylis (1950 votes);

Vice-chairwoman of the Seimas, leader of the TS-LKD faction in the Seimas Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė (1462 votes);

Minister of Social Security and Labor Monika Navickienė (1213 votes);

Seimas member Matas Maldeikis (872 votes);

Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas (820 votes);

Seimas member Audronius Ažubalis (691 votes);

Mayor of Palanga Šarūnas Vaitkus (689 votes).

In total, more than 5,500 voters participated in the elections.

“Voting in the whole of Lithuania and in one foreign branch, in Brussels, went smoothly, I am glad that we did not detect any irregularities. We received active registration and participation of TS-LKD members as well as people who do not belong to the party in ranking the EP list”, stressed Paulė Kuzmickienė, chairwoman of the TS-LKD Central Election Commission (CRK).

The results of the ranking will still have to be approved by the party’s Central Election Commission and Presidium, the final list of candidates will be approved by the TS-LKD Council.

All citizens of Lithuania over the age of 16, who do not belong to any other political party or committee, who support the activities and values ​​of conservatives, could participate in the open vote until October 27. after registering and being included in the TS-LKD open election voter list in advance. Party members participated in the elections without separate registration.

During the election, it was possible to rank up to 5 candidates. European Parliament elections in Lithuania will be held in 2024. in the month of June.

#TSLKD #formed #list #candidates #European #Parliament #Andrius #Kubilius #leader #list
2024-08-24 10:25:13



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