Trump’s Withdrawal Leaves Undecided Voters in Limbo

ReutersTrump and Harris met a day after today’s much-discussed debate at a 9/11 memorial

NOS Nieuws•gisteren, 20:55

A day after last night’s debate, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris shook hands again today. The presidential candidates met in Pennsylvania at a 9/11 commemoration. What has changed between the first and second handshake, according to American media?

Analysts and political commentators in the American media largely agree: Harris emerged as the winner of the debate. Fox News, where pro-Trump voices usually get a lot of airtime, also called Harris the “clear winner“. According to several analysts, Trump was repeatedly provoked by attacks from Harris. “Trump was clearly frustrated and became increasingly vocal as the debate continued,” writes Doug Schoen van Fox News.

“Political pundits, analysts and commentators noted that Trump often found himself on the defensive on issues like abortion, while allowing Harris to challenge him and go off-message,” writes a columnist for The New York Times. When Harris claimed that attendees of Trump’s political rallies regularly leave the venue early out of boredom, the former president jumped to his defense. Voters only go to Harris’ rallies if they pay to do so, he snapped back.

Trump and Harris took jabs at each other’s rallies:

Trump: ‘Supporters leaving my rallies? They don’t even come to hers’

On Wall Street, the results of the debate were immediately visible: the shares of Trump Media & Technology Group fell 17 percent this morning to their lowest level since his social media platform Truth Social went public in late March.

‘Floating voter not convinced’

Experts see Harris as the clear winner, but whether the floating voter sees it that way is still the question. “Experts said that Harris won the debate. Floating voters were not so sure”, kopte The New York Times.

The article gives a voice to floating voters. Some would have liked to see the candidates go into more detail about their plans for the country. “Nothing is clear to me, and I’m really trying to follow it,” said one. “I still don’t know what she stands for,” said another floating voter to Reuters news agency.

Kimberley Strassel, columnist van The Wall Street Journal, writes that “voters who hoped Harris would take accountability today for the lousy Biden-Harris record were sorely disappointed.” “Harris deftly changed the subject with every direct question asked,” the columnist wrote.

Criticism of debate leaders

So Fox News names Harris as the clear winner, but they don’t think Trump, but ABC News does the big loser of the debate. It is a criticism that has been heard before: according to Republicans and conservative media, the ABC debate moderators had a clear preference for Harris.

According to Fox News’ Brit Hume, voters were told too little about Harris’ plans because the debate moderators didn’t ask enough questions. “Harris never had to explain why she changed her mind on certain issues. She said she would work through a list, but then she never did.”

AFP A passerby watched the debate on a screen in Washington

The New York Times praises the fact-checking of the debate leaders. According to a reporter it’s refreshing that journalists aren’t letting Trump get away with spreading unsubstantiated claims.

After the debate CNN counted the number of lies the presidential candidates told during the debate. Trump had more than thirty, Harris one.

Migrants eating pets

One of Trump’s claims that CNN says is untrue, but will likely linger for a while, is the statement about migrants eating pets. According to the former president, illegal immigrants eat the dogs and cats of residents of Springfield, Ohio. ABC’s debate moderators immediately responded by saying that the statement is unfounded.

Trump says migrants eat pets, Harris laughs:

Trump says immigrants eat dogs, Harris laughs

Today writes The Wall Street Journal about “the origins of Trump’s false claim.” It allegedly started with a Facebook post in which the user claimed that “a friend of the neighbor’s daughter” had found his pet skinned. Trump’s social media platform Truth Social is now filled with AI-generated images of Trump protecting pets.

Second debate or not?

Now that the first debate between the American presidential candidates is behind us, the question arises whether it was also the last. Both candidates revealed something about their preference today. Harris’ campaign team said they would like to schedule a second debate for October. Trump said on a Fox News talk show that he is “less inclined to debate again”. According to him, the Democrats want another debate because Harris lost the first one.

What strategies did‍ Kamala Harris use to assert her dominance over Donald Trump​ in the debate?

Harris ‌Emerges as Clear Winner in Debate ‌Against Trump, ⁢but Will it Sway Undecided Voters?

In a highly anticipated debate, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump faced off‌ on stage, with Harris emerging as the clear winner, according to analysts and commentators. The debate, which⁢ took place on September 10, saw Harris dominate and​ destabilize Trump, with‌ many noting that Trump ​was on the⁢ defensive for much of the debate [[2]]. In fact, even Fox News, a typically​ pro-Trump outlet, called Harris the‌ “clear‌ winner” of the debate [[1]].

Harris’s strategy of dominating and destabilizing Trump seemed to pay off, with many experts noting that Trump was repeatedly provoked by attacks from Harris [[1]]. Additionally, Trump’s responses often lacked substance, with Harris successfully challenging him on issues like abortion and going off-message [[3]].

The debate’s​ impact was immediate, with shares of Trump Media & Technology Group falling 17% to their lowest level since Trump’s social media platform Truth Social went public in late March [[4]].

However, despite⁤ Harris’s clear victory, the question remains as to whether undecided voters were convinced‍ by her performance. While experts and analysts ⁢agree that Harris won ⁢the debate,⁤ floating voters were not so sure, with some expressing​ disappointment that the candidates did not provide more detail ⁢about ⁤their plans for the country [[5]]. ⁤

One undecided voter was quoted as ⁤saying,⁢ “Nothing is clear to me, ​and I’m really trying to follow ⁢it,” while another said, “I still don’t know what she stands‌ for” [[5]]. These comments suggest that Harris still has work to do⁣ to‍ win over undecided voters.

In a surprising turn of events, Trump and Harris met again the following day at a 9/11 commemoration in Pennsylvania, ⁢where ‌they shook hands in a⁢ symbolic gesture ‌of⁣ unity [[6]]. The handshake ‌marked a stark ⁣contrast to ⁤the heated exchanges‌ of the previous ‍night’s debate.

As the presidential election heats up, it remains ‌to be seen⁤ whether Harris’s debate victory will translate ​into momentum on the campaign trail. One​ thing is certain, however – the next few weeks will be⁢ crucial in ​determining the outcome of this highly contested election.




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