Trump Unveils Vision for U.S. Oil Fund, Envisions Musk at the Forefront of Efficiency Innovations

Trump Unveils Vision for U.S. Oil Fund, Envisions Musk at the Forefront of Efficiency Innovations

In a speech to the New York Economic Club, the former president presented a series of plans – some drastic – for the US economy if he succeeds in retaking the White House after the election in November.

Among other things, he promises to set up a separate commission to reform the state apparatus and cut expenses. He envisions X owner and Tesla boss Elon Musk to lead the new agency. The latter says the two have spoken and that he is interested.

– I look forward to serving the United States if the opportunity arises. I don’t need a salary or title or recognition, he writes on X.

The commission was Musk’s own idea, Trump said at Thursday’s event. There he also promised to remove ten state regulations for every new regulation that is introduced.

– In no way effective

The plan met immediate opposition from Everett Kelley, who heads a union for about 750,000 federal government employees. He accuses Trump and Musk of wanting to slaughter the independent civil service and replace dismissed government employees with their own allies.

– It is in no way effective, writes Kelley in a statement to Reuters.

In addition to sharply cutting government spending, Trump will also cut the federal corporate tax rate for companies that manufacture their goods in the United States.

Promising explosive growth

According to Trump, the planned deregulation will contribute to increased energy production. He says he will immediately issue a national crisis declaration to get production up.

– My plan will quickly fight inflation, bring prices down quickly and again fuel explosive economic growth, says the Republican presidential candidate.

Trump also advocated the creation of a government investment fund – not unlike the Norwegian oil fund – which will be used in part to finance large infrastructure projects such as motorways, airports and industrial centres.

Crypto capital

But it is not only the traditional economy that Trump promises to speed up. He also declared that he wants to make the United States the “world capital” of cryptocurrency.

“Instead of attacking the industries of the future, we will embrace them, including making America the crypto and Bitcoin capital of the world,” Trump told business leaders in New York on Thursday.

Accuses Harris of Marxism

Trump also took the opportunity to again attack Vice President Kamala Harris’ plans to ban the exploitation of consumers through high food prices. He repeated the accusations that she embraces Marxism and Communism.

– She wants four new years to force through the radical left’s agenda, which poses a fundamental threat to the prosperity of all American families and the entire United States.

Most voters see Trump as a more competent manager of the country’s economy, but the lead over Harris in this area is shrinking, polls show.

#Trump #start #oil #fund #United #States #give #Musk #responsibility #efficiency
2024-09-07 10:20:08

– What specific measures does Trump’s economic plan propose to cut government expenses and regulations through the commission led‍ by Elon Musk?

Trump Unveils Economic Plan, Envisions Elon Musk-Led Commission to Cut Expenses and Regulations

In a ⁣recent speech to the New York ⁤Economic Club, former President Donald Trump presented a series of plans to reshape the⁣ US economy if he were to retake the White House after ‍the November election. ⁣Among his proposals, Trump plans to establish a separate commission to ‍reform the⁤ state apparatus and cut expenses, with Tesla CEO and Twitter ‍owner Elon Musk⁣ at the ​helm. Musk has expressed interest in the role, stating on Twitter that he “looks forward to serving the United States if the opportunity arises” and doesn’t ​need a salary,⁤ title, or recognition [[1]].

The commission, which was Musk’s‍ idea, aims to streamline government operations and reduce costs. Trump promised to remove ten state ​regulations for every new ‌regulation ⁣introduced, a move that has drawn criticism ‍from⁤ Everett Kelley, ⁣the head of a union representing⁢ 750,000 federal‍ government employees. Kelley claims that⁣ Trump and Musk’s plan would “slaughter the independent civil service and replace ⁤dismissed government employees with their own allies” and describes it ​as “in no way effective” [[3]].

In addition to reducing government ⁣spending, Trump plans to cut the federal corporate tax rate for companies that manufacture ⁢goods in the United States. He believes that ⁣this⁤ move, along with the planned deregulation, will contribute to increased energy production ⁣and lead to “explosive economic growth” [[2]]. Trump also promised to issue a national crisis declaration to boost production and lower prices quickly.

Another key‍ aspect of Trump’s economic plan is the creation of a government investment ‍fund, similar to Norway’s oil fund, which⁣ would finance large⁤ infrastructure projects such as motorways, airports, and industrial centers. This move is designed ​to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.

In a‍ departure from traditional economic ⁢policy, Trump also expressed‌ his desire to make the⁢ United States the‍ “world capital” of⁢ cryptocurrency, embracing the⁤ industries of the future rather than attacking them. This move is seen as a bold step towards shaping the ‍country’s economic future [[3]].

Trump’s speech was not without controversy, as he also took aim at his political opponents, accusing Vice President Kamala Harris of promoting Marxist ideology.

While ⁢Trump’s economic plan has garnered attention and sparked debate, its effectiveness remains to be ‍seen. As the presidential election approaches, voters will be watching closely to⁣ see how‌ the​ candidates’ economic policies shape up.





Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **”Trump’s Economic Plan: A Boost to the US Economy or a Recipe for Disaster?”**

Trump’s Economic Plan: A Boost to the US Economy or a Recipe for Disaster?

Former President Donald Trump recently addressed the New York Economic Club, outlining his plans to revamp the US economy if re-elected in November. Trump’s economic plan, dubbed “Trumponomics 2.0,” aims to boost the economy through a combination of tax cuts, deregulation, and strategic investments. However, critics argue that his proposals may have unintended consequences.

Cutting Government Expenses and Regulations

A key component of Trump’s plan is the creation of a commission, led by Elon Musk, to reform the state apparatus and cut expenses. According to Trump, Musk proposed the idea himself, and the Tesla CEO has expressed interest in leading the commission [1[1]. The commission’s primary objective is to reduce government spending and regulations, with Trump promising to eliminate ten state regulations for every new regulation introduced.

Explosive Growth and Deregulation

Trump believes that his plan will lead to explosive economic growth, driven by increased energy production and a relaxed regulatory environment. He intends to issue a national crisis declaration to accelerate energy production, which he claims will help combat inflation and bring prices down quickly [2[2]. Additionally, Trump wants to create a government investment fund to finance large infrastructure projects, such as highways, airports, and industrial centers.

Crypto Capital

Trump also expressed his desire to make the United States the “world capital” of cryptocurrency. He wants to “embrace” the industries of the future, rather than attacking them, and believes that this move will help fuel economic growth [3[3].

Criticisms and Controversies

While Trump’s plan may have some appealing aspects, critics argue that it may have unintended consequences. Everett Kelley, head of a union representing 750,000 federal government employees, has expressed strong opposition to the plan, accusing Trump and Musk of wanting to “slaughter” the independent civil service and replace dismissed government employees with their own allies [1[1].


Trump’s economic plan is a complex and multifaceted proposal that has sparked both interest and concern. While it promises to boost the economy through tax cuts, deregulation, and strategic investments, critics argue that it may lead to unintended consequences, such as the erosion of the civil service and the concentration of power. As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen how Trump’s plan will be received by the American public and the potential impact it may have on the US economy.


[1] The Hill – 5 takeaways from Trump’s economic address in New York

[2] Investopedia – Donald Trump’s Economic Plan: What You Need to Know

[3] The New York Times – Breaking Down Trumponomics 2.0



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