Trump trial: Stormy Daniels testified

Stormy Daniels has testified at Donald Trump’s trial, regarding the money she received – according to her – to keep quiet about having sex with him.

In particular, according to the Associated Press, the former star of erotic films, during her testimony, offered a detailed and sometimes graphic description of her meeting with Donald Trumpwhich he himself had denied.

Trump looked particularly awkward during Stormy Daniels’ testimony, whispering to his lawyers and shaking his head.

The courtroom appearance of a porn star who claims she had an affair with a former US president has added to a long list of historic firsts, in a landmark case laden with allegations of sex, bribery and cover-ups that unfolds as the potential nominee of the Republicans is making another attempt to re-elect their president USA.

Daniels’ spicy details about having sex with Trump

Daniels went into salacious detail, despite repeated objections from defense attorneys. The trial judge said defense attorneys should have raised more objections during Daniels’ “spicy” testimony.

Trump’s lawyers then cross-examined Daniels. “Am I right that you hate President Trump?” defense attorney Susan Nischels asked Daniels. “Yes,” she admitted.

Daniels’ statements are central to the case because in the final weeks of Trump’s 2016 Republican presidential campaign, her then-lawyer and personal agent, Michael Cohen, paid her $130,000 not to talk about it. which she says was an awkward and unexpected sexual encounter with Trump in July 2006 on a golf outing in Lake Tahoe.

Under the direction of a prosecutor, Daniels described how an initial meeting at a golf tournament where they discussed the adult film industry turned into a “brief” sexual encounter, which she said was initiated by Trump after he invited her to dinner and then to his hotel suite.

The former porn star said she did not feel physically or verbally threatened, although she knew his bodyguard was outside the suite, but stressed Trump “was bigger and blocking the way.”

Daniels then described Trump’s suite “which was three times the size of my apartment” and added that the billionaire greeted her “wearing silk or satin pajamas.”

Trump hinted that Daniels would get a chance to appear on the reality show he was hosting at the time, “The Apprentice.” At the same time, the former president compared her to Ivanka. “You remind me of my daughter,” Trump said, according to Daniels. Then, when she came out of the bathroom, she found Trump naked on the bed.

“I felt the blood draining from my hands and feet,” he said. Although he stated that he did not feel threatened, he assured that Trump’s intention “was quite clear” and “the power relationship was unequal.”

Daniels testified that the billionaire told her, “This is the only way to get out of a life in a trailer.”

She said she was “trying to think about anything other than what was going on there.” “I finally got together with him,” she added, while clarifying, at the prosecutor’s request, that Trump did not put on a condom. “I’m ashamed that I couldn’t stop it, say no,” Daniels said.

After Trump challenged her to poke him with a magazine, which she agreed to do, “he was a lot nicer after that.”

At the time, Trump was married to his wife, Melania, who has not been in court for the trial. Daniels pointed out that Trump told her that he and his wife did not sleep in the same room.

“It was really hard to get my shoes on because my hands were shaking so much,” Daniels said after meeting the former president. “He said, ‘It was great, let’s meet again, honey,’ and I just wanted to leave,” she continued.

Trump upset by the testimony

“These are mal@@@@s,” the billionaire appeared to reply as he watched the deposition.

Trump’s reaction to her testimony prompted Judge Juan Merchan to call his lawyers into a quiet discussion on the bench.

“I understand that your client is upset at this point, but he is cursing loudly and shaking his head visibly and that is contemptuous. He has the ability to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that,” the judge said, adding: “I’m talking to you here in the courtroom because I don’t want to embarrass him.”

“My motivation was not money”

In the years since the meeting was revealed, Daniels has emerged as an adversary of Trump, sharing her story countless times and criticizing the former president with mocking and derogatory barbs. But it wasn’t the same as Tuesday’s testimony, when she came face-to-face with Trump and was summoned to a courtroom to describe her experiences in front of a jury.

Daniels told jurors how she met Trump because the adult film studio she worked for at the time sponsored the golf course, and noted that they had a brief conversation about the adult film industry and her directing skills. Later, Trump asked her out to dinner when he met her again at the golf course, Daniels said. Although Daniels saw the former US president periodically, she rejected his proposals for more.

The sexual encounter with President Trump had reached the “ears” of a magazine, and Daniels agreed for $15,000: “I’d rather make the money than have someone make money from me and at least I could control the narrative.” The story was never published, but later that year, it was stirred up when a piece appeared on a website.

But Trump’s lawyer at that point pressed Daniels on the fact that she owes the former president hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees stemming from an unsuccessful defamation lawsuit, with her denying she was trying to extort money.

“You were trying to extort money from President Trump,” the judge said, which Daniels denied.

The deal with Trump’s lawyer and the $130,000

The depositions so far have made it clear that at the time of the payment to Daniels, Trump and his campaign were reeling from the October 2016 release of previously unreleased 2005 “Access Hollywood” footage in which he bragged about grabbing genitalia women without their permission.

Before that video was released, “there was little or no interest” in Daniels’ allegations, according to testimony given earlier in the trial by her then-attorney, Keith Davidson. A deal had been reached with the National Enquirer over Daniels’ story, but the scandal-mongering magazine backed out. Davidson then began negotiating directly with Trump’s then-lawyer and personal agent, raised the price to $130,000, and struck a deal.

After the deadline for Cohen’s $130,000 payment expired, he authorized Davidson to cancel the deal. He did so, via email, according to documents presented in court. But about two weeks later, the deal was revived.

Daniels testified that she ended up with about $96,000 of the $130,000 payment after her attorney and agent took their share.

According to iefimerida, the former porn star has steadfastly adhered to her nondisclosure agreement with Cohen, while also declining to comment to the Wall Street Journal for a November 2016 article that said she had discussed telling her story on “Good Morning America.” , but nothing came of it. But the WSJ broke the news of her $130,000 deal in 2018.

After that story was published, her life turned into “chaos,” she testified.

Prosecutors are building the case toward their key witness, former Trump adviser Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty.

Trump can run even if convicted

The Republican is charged with 34 counts of falsifying accounting documents and risks becoming the first former US president to be convicted in a criminal case and potentially face prison time.

Even if he is convicted, Trump will still be able to run for president. The trial continues Thursday, with Daniels continuing her testimony.

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#Trump #trial #Stormy #Daniels #testified



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