Trump praises Putin’s actions in Ukraine: ‘A feat of genius’

Trump That Putin’s tactics were "Smart"without commenting further, and that the United States might apply such tactics at its borders with Mexicoas quoted "France Brush".

In a separate statement, Trump criticized the way his successor, Joe Biden, handled the crisis in… UkraineRecalling the strong relationship he had with Putin, stressing that "Mr. Kremlin" What would he have done like this? "Start" under his administration.

وأوضح: "If the crisis was managed properly, there would be no reason for what is currently happening in Ukraine".

He continued: "I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would never have done under the Trump administration what he is doing now, impossible!".

Criticism of Biden’s policy and calls for more sanctions

President Trump described Biden that "A man who has no idea what he’s doing"downplaying the sanctions imposed by the US President on Russia.

The Republican billionaire considered that the sanctions imposed by the Biden administration are weak, explaining: "It is insignificant compared to the seizure of a country and territories of strategic locations. Not only does Putin get what he always wanted, but he is getting richer from height oil prices والغاز".

In a speech on developments in Ukraine, Biden confirmed that Putin had adopted the logic of force to control Ukrainian lands, revealing that the first package of sanctions once morest Russia begins now, and that the United States has imposed harsh sanctions on two Russian banks already.

Biden pointed out that his country "Extensive sanctions will be imposed on Russia’s sovereign debt. This means that we are cutting off the Russian government from Western funding".

Sanctions so far include canceling work with the gas pipeline "Nord Stream 2" Coming from Russia, the full embargo sanctions on the bank"WEB " The Russian Military Bank, Russia’s sovereign debt.

Republicans and Democrats have urged Biden to use all the sanctions in his arsenal before he invades Putin Ukraine as a whole.

Senator Marsha Blackburn wrote on Twitter: "Joe Biden refused to take meaningful action, his weakness emboldened Moscow".

Blackburn called on Biden to remove Russia from the regime "Swift" International banking, the newspaper reported "Daily Mail" British.

Senator Mitch McConnell also called on Biden to impose "devastating sanctions once morest Kremlin and supportive"adding: "The president should not waste time using his existing broad powers to impose these costs.".

For their part, Republican Representatives Michael McCaul and Mike Rogers said in a statement: "Now is not the time for symbolic pin pricks that will only embolden Putin and endanger our friends in Ukraine".

In turn, the Republican representative of the state of Georgia Austin Scott: "Putin’s obsession with restoring the old Soviet Union led to unjustified aggressive military action. Biden should have issued sanctions long ago".

As for Democratic Senator Chris Coons, who is close to Biden, he said: "The time for action to impose significant costs on President Putin and the Kremlin begins now. We must quickly join our allies in NATO and our partners in the European Union to impose strong sanctions on Russia and all those responsible for this serious violation of international law, and to provide emergency support to Ukraine".

New Jersey Democratic Representative Tom Malinowski also joined in calling for tougher tightening Sanctions on Moscow saying: "It is really important that we impose sanctions now. The seizure of additional Ukrainian territory should trigger immediate sanctions".

Democratic Senator Bob Menendez stressed the need for the Biden administration not to hesitate in imposing what he described as"crushing penalties" on Russia, explaining: "There must be tangible, far-reaching and high-impact costs for Russia in response to this gratuitous action.".

Senator Sherrod Brown, a member of the Ohio Banking Committee, called on Biden to implement all the sanctions he was preparing, saying: "I have worked with my colleagues in the Senate to ensure that the president has the tools to punish Russia’s leaders, its banking and financial sectors, and other vital industries. Now is the time to start using these tools".


“Putin is declaring the independence of a large area of ​​Ukraine, oh that’s great,” Trump said in a radio interview.

Russia faced harsh international reactions following Putin gave orders to his forces to enter Ukraine to maintain peace in the two breakaway regions.

The Russian move came as tens of thousands of Russian soldiers were deployed on Ukraine’s borders and amid warnings of a full-scale Russian invasion.

وعبر Trump That Putin’s tactics were “smart”, without further comment, and that the United States might apply such tactics at its borders with Mexicoas reported by “Agence France Presse”.

In a separate statement, Trump criticized the way his successor, Joe Biden, handled the crisis in… UkraineHe recalled the strong relationship he had with Putin, stressing that the “Kremlin master” would “never” act in this way under his administration.

He explained: “If the crisis was managed correctly, there would be no reason for what is currently happening in the country Ukraine“.

He continued, “I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would never have done under the Trump administration what he is doing now, it is impossible!”

Criticism of Biden’s policy and calls for more sanctions

President Trump described Biden He described him as “a man who has no idea what he’s doing”, downplaying the sanctions imposed by the US President on Russia.

The Republican billionaire considered that the sanctions imposed by the Biden administration currently are weak, explaining: “They are insignificant compared to the seizure of a country and lands with strategic locations. Not only does Putin get what he always wanted, but he is getting richer from the height of oil prices والغاز “.

In a speech on developments in Ukraine, Biden confirmed that Putin had adopted the logic of force to control Ukrainian lands, revealing that the first package of sanctions once morest Russia begins now, and that the United States has imposed harsh sanctions on two Russian banks already.

Biden noted that his country “will impose wide-ranging sanctions on Russia’s sovereign debt. This means that we are cutting off the Russian government from Western funding.”

The sanctions so far include canceling work with the gas pipeline.Nord Stream 2″ Coming from Russia, full embargo sanctions on VEB Bank and the Russian Military Bank, and Russia’s sovereign debt.

Republicans and Democrats have urged Biden to use all the sanctions in his arsenal before he invades Putin Ukraine as a whole.

“Joe Biden refused to take meaningful action, his weakness emboldened by Moscow,” Senator Marsha Blackburn wrote on Twitter.

Blackburn called on Biden to remove Russia from the international banking system “Swift”, the British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported.

Senator Mitch McConnell also called Biden for “devastating sanctions once morest… Kremlin and his supporters,” he said, adding: “The president must not waste time using his broad existing powers to impose these costs.”

For their part, Republican Representatives Michael McCaul and Mike Rogers said in a statement: “Now is not the time for symbolic pin-pricks that will only embolden Putin and endanger our friends in Ukraine.”

In turn, the Republican representative of the state of Georgia Austin Scott: “Putin’s obsession with restoring the old Soviet Union led to unjustified military aggression. Biden should have issued sanctions long ago.”

As for Democratic Senator Chris Coons, who is close to Biden, he said, “The time to take action to impose significant costs on President Putin and the Kremlin begins now. We must quickly join our allies in NATO And our partners in the European Union to impose strong sanctions on Russia and all those responsible for this serious violation of international law, and to provide emergency support to Ukraine.”

New Jersey Democratic Representative Tom Malinowski also joined in calling for tougher tightening Sanctions on Moscow “It is really important that we impose sanctions now,” he said. “The acquisition of additional Ukrainian territory should trigger the immediate start of sanctions.”

Democratic Senator Bob Menendez stressed that the Biden administration should not hesitate to impose what he described as “crushing sanctions” on Russia, explaining: “There must be tangible, far-reaching and significant costs for Russia in response to this unjustified action.”

Senator Sherrod Brown, a member of the Ohio Banking Committee, called for Biden to implement all the sanctions he was preparing, saying: “I have worked with my colleagues in the Senate to make sure that the president has the tools to punish Russia’s leaders, its banking and financial sectors, and other vital industries. It is time. Now to start using these tools.”



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