Trump Pledges Cryptocurrencies, Adds Them to His ‘America First’ Agenda

Former US President Donald Trump has promised to support cryptocurrencies in the United States and incorporate them into his “America First” agenda if he wins the presidential election scheduled for next November, according to the “Wall Street Journal.”

Trump spoke on Saturday at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, where he addressed around 20,000 cryptocurrency enthusiasts and industry leaders.

He stated that the reason for his appearance at the conference could be encapsulated in two words: “America First.”

“If cryptocurrencies are going to shape the future, I want them to be mined and produced in the United States,” he added.

In his 50-minute address, the former president made several commitments to support the cryptocurrency industry, vowing to establish a presidential advisory council dedicated to this sector.

As it nears a record number… Bitcoin balances between opportunities and challenges

As it approaches its all-time high, Bitcoin is back in the spotlight, seen as an appealing investment assets, just weeks ahead of a new halving of miner rewards.

According to the report from Bloomberg, Trump stated, “We will have regulations, but from now on, the rules will be established by individuals who support the industry, not by those who oppose it,” adding that he would “fire” SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, prompting cheers from the conference audience.

“This afternoon, I’m outlining my plan to ensure that the United States becomes the crypto capital of the world and the leading Bitcoin power globally,” Trump said, as reported by Bloomberg. “And we will make it a reality.”

The cryptocurrency sector has long desired for the United States to create a Bitcoin reserve comparable to its gold reserve, which would legitimize the cryptocurrency and help stabilize its price.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the US government currently holds around 164,000 bitcoins seized from cybercriminals and dark web markets, valued at approximately $8.8 billion based on current market rates.

Trump’s remarks indicate a change in his position, as he had previously expressed skepticism about cryptocurrencies while in office, claiming he was “not a fan” and that their value was “based on air.”

This change reflects the industry’s increasing significance in US politics, with executives striving to elect candidates who support pro-digital asset policies through increasingly substantial donations, as well as Trump’s ambition to attract new voters in his third presidential campaign, according to the agency.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Senator J.D. Vance, whom Trump has chosen as his running mate, is a cryptocurrency supporter and owned more than $100,000 in Bitcoin as of 2022.

Donald Trump’s Vision for Cryptocurrencies in America: A Game Changer for the Industry

Former US President Donald Trump recently made headlines by pledging to support cryptocurrencies as part of his “America First” agenda should he win the presidential election scheduled for next November. His remarks came during a keynote speech at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, where he addressed an audience of approximately 20,000 cryptocurrency enthusiasts and industry executives.

Trump’s Statement on Cryptocurrency

During his speech, Trump emphasized the importance of the upcoming presidential election for the future of cryptocurrencies in the United States. He stated, “If cryptocurrencies are going to define the future, I want them to be mined and made in the United States.” This proclamation aligns with his broader “America First” policy, suggesting a commitment to bolster the domestic cryptocurrency industry.

Key Points from Trump’s Speech

  • Creation of an Advisory Council: Trump announced plans to form a presidential advisory council focused on the cryptocurrency industry.
  • Regulatory Reforms: He proposed that regulations will be drafted by industry supporters rather than detractors, vowing to “fire” SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, an announcement that drew applause from the attendees.
  • Vision for Cryptocurrency Capital: Trump declared, “I’m laying out my plan to ensure that the United States is the crypto capital of the world,” underlining his ambition to transform the US into a global leader in cryptocurrency.

The Growing Importance of Cryptocurrency in US Politics

The significance of cryptocurrencies in US politics has been magnified in recent years, with many industry executives and organizations actively seeking to support candidates with favorable pro-digital asset policies. Trump’s pivot towards cryptocurrency may not just reflect an evolving economic landscape but also a strategic move to engage new voters as he embarks on his third presidential campaign.

Historical Context: Trump’s Shift on Cryptocurrency

Interestingly, Trump’s recent pro-cryptocurrency stance marks a stark contrast to his previous skepticism during his presidency. He had openly stated that he was “not a fan” of cryptocurrencies, calling their value “based on air.” This shift highlights the growing influence of the cryptocurrency sector in American society and politics.

Bitcoin and Its Current Market Status

As Trump positioned himself to embrace this emerging technology, Bitcoin’s characteristics as both a digital asset and an investment vehicle became pivotal. After approaching its all-time high, Bitcoin remains an attractive investment, especially with the anticipation of a new halving event, which will alter miner rewards and potentially affect market dynamics.

Benefits of Investing in Bitcoin

  1. Potential for High Returns: Bitcoin has demonstrated significant year-on-year growth, making it a popular choice among investors.
  2. Hedge Against Inflation: As central banks print more fiat currency, Bitcoin is increasingly viewed as a hedge against inflation.
  3. Increased Legitimacy: Political support from figures like Trump could legitimize cryptocurrencies further, potentially increasing their market value.

Trump’s Proposals: Regulatory Frameworks

Trump’s vision for a regulatory framework focuses on creating an environment that encourages innovation and investment in the cryptocurrency space while maintaining necessary consumer protections.

Proposed Changes to Regulations

  • Industry-Friendly Regulations: A call for regulations that protect stakeholders but do not stifle innovation.
  • Focus on Domestic Mining: Encouragement for domestic mining operations to prevent reliance on foreign entities.

The Future of Cryptocurrency Reserves in the US

One of the most intriguing proposals that industry advocates have envisioned is the establishment of a Bitcoin reserve comparable to the United States’ gold reserves. This could serve to stabilize Bitcoin’s price and further integrate cryptocurrency into the financial system.

Current Government Holdings

The US government currently holds about 164,000 bitcoins, seized from digital criminals and dark web operations, valued at approximately $8.8 billion at current market rates. This reserve presents a unique opportunity for policymakers to consider innovative frameworks that incorporate Bitcoin into broader economic conversations.

Case Studies: Other Countries Embracing Cryptocurrency

El Salvador’s Bitcoin Adoption

El Salvador made headlines by adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, demonstrating how a country can incorporate cryptocurrency into its economy effectively. This move has sparked discussions globally about the viability and potential benefits of embracing digital currencies officially.

The European Union’s Stance on Crypto

  • Regulatory Developments: The European Union has been working on comprehensive regulations for cryptocurrencies, aiming to balance innovation with investor protection.

Practical Tips for Investors

If the cryptocurrency landscape becomes more favorable with political backing, here are essential tips for prospective investors:

  • Do Your Research: Understand the fundamentals of cryptocurrency and the implications of regulatory changes.
  • Diversification: Consider diversifying your portfolio to mitigate risks.
  • Stay Updated: Follow industry news to stay abreast of regulatory developments and market changes.


While many questions remain regarding the future of cryptocurrency under a potential Trump administration, his recent supportive statements suggest that significant changes may be on the horizon. With increased attention on digital assets, the landscape for cryptocurrencies in the United States looks promising, especially if they align with America’s broader economic goals.



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