Trump: “I could end wars with a phone call”

He is running to be the president of all of America, not just half of it, Trump said in his speech at the end of the party convention on Thursday (local time) in Milwaukee. At first he struck a more conciliatory tone, but then quickly switched to his usual style and attacked the administration of US President Joe Biden.

Biden’s policies are destroying the country, Trump said. “The damage he has done to this country is unimaginable.” If the record of the “ten worst presidents” in US history is considered together, the “damage” they have caused is not as great as that caused by Biden. Only he is capable of saving the USA from certain doom, Trump declared. “I might end wars with a phone call.”

First speech since the assassination

Trump’s speech was the highlight and conclusion of the four-day Republican convention. At more than 90 minutes, it was the longest in the history of the party conventions. At the beginning, Trump described how he experienced the assassination attempt on him on Saturday at a campaign event. It was only thanks to the grace of God that he was standing before the delegates, Trump said. “I heard a loud hiss and felt something hit me very, very hard in my right ear. I thought to myself: ‘Wow, what was that? It can only be a bullet,'” he said. His ear was still heavily bandaged. While images of Trump with blood on his face were shown in the background, he praised the Secret Service bodyguards who had rushed to his aid. He paid tribute to the volunteer firefighter killed in the incident and kissed his helmet.

It was Trump’s first speech since the attack. After his 14-minute report on the attack, he returned to his usual topics and abandoned the message of unity he had promised beforehand. He declared once more that the Democrats had stolen the 2020 election. He described the criminal proceedings once morest him as part of a Democratic conspiracy once morest him. A large part of his speech was devoted to attacks on migrants. He said there was an “invasion” on the southern border of the USA. He accused immigrants living illegally in the USA of criminality. “They come from prisons, they come from detention centers, they come from mental institutions and from insane asylums.” According to scientific studies, however, immigrants do not commit crimes more often than Americans.

No solutions

Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon said Trump had only listed problems and not provided solutions. “It was Donald Trump who destroyed our economy, dismantled rights and abandoned the middle class,” she said. “Now he is seeking the presidency with an even more extreme vision of where he wants to take this country.”

The presidential election will take place on November 5th. The pressure on 81-year-old Biden not to run once morest 78-year-old Trump has increased significantly in recent days. According to insiders, Biden is now considering withdrawing. He is taking corresponding demands from his Democrats seriously, said several people familiar with the matter. It is only a matter of time. According to insiders, the influential former Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi is among the high-ranking Democrats who have made it clear to Biden that he cannot win. According to a report in the Washington Post, former President Barack Obama, whose vice president Biden was, is also no longer fully behind Biden’s presidential candidacy once more.

Biden has mild symptoms

Biden has retreated to his house in Delaware because of a corona infection. According to his doctor, he has mild symptoms. After his weak performance in a TV debate once morest Trump at the end of June, voices had increased that Biden, despite all his experience and achievements, might no longer be physically and mentally fit enough for four more years in the White House.

So far, however, Biden has insisted on running with Vice President Kamala Harris. He and Harris have not yet been officially nominated as candidates. The Democratic Party Convention is scheduled for August 19-22 in Chicago. However, the nomination by the delegates of the individual states is to take place beforehand in a virtual process. The exact time for this has not yet been determined.

Trump is running with JD Vance as his candidate for vice president. The 39-year-old is considered the ideological heir of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement. “JD, you’re going to be doing this for a long time,” Trump said at the end of the convention. “Enjoy the journey.”


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