Trump Doubles Down on Misleading Claims About Chinese Auto Manufacturers Moving to Mexico

Trump Doubles Down on Misleading Claims About Chinese Auto Manufacturers Moving to Mexico


Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday repeated false claims that Chinese automakers are building massive factories in Mexico, vowing during a visit to Michigan to impose 200% tariffs on any vehicles leaving those factories and shipped to the United States.

During his visit to Flint, Trump also said that if Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris wins the elections next November, there will be no more automotive industry in the United States, because jobs in the manufacturing of electric vehicles will go to China.

Trump made the remarks despite the fact that auto jobs have been on the rise since Joe Biden took office in January 2021, after declining during Trump’s tenure.

“If I don’t win, you won’t have an auto industry in two or three years,” Trump said, calling any increase under Biden or Harris temporary. “You won’t have any manufacturing plants anymore. China will take them all because of electric vehicles.”

He told a crowd that he would force foreign automakers to build factories in the United States by imposing tariffs on imported cars. “It would be like taking candy away from a child,” he said.

Foreign automakers already have several factories in the United States, most of them in the south of the country.

Auto jobs fell 0.8% during Trump’s presidency to just over 949,000 in January 2021, when he left office, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since Biden took office that same month, auto jobs have risen 13.6% to 1.07 million in August, so there is no evidence the industry is on the verge of extinction. Vehicle sales rose 2.4% in the first half of the year.

Trump said his tariffs would make Chinese vehicles made in Mexico unable to be sold in the United States, forcing Chinese and other automakers around the world to move their operations to the United States.

“They are Chinese-owned and built in Mexico, and there are several of them already,” Trump said of the Chinese factories.

Although some Chinese automakers aspire to sell their vehicles in the United States, industry analysts say there are currently no Chinese auto plants being built in Mexico and only one small Chinese automaker operating in the country. It is run by a company called JAC that builds low-cost vehicles for sale in Mexico.

Trump also promised to impose tariffs on vehicles made in other countries that have tariffs on American-made cars. But the cost of those tariffs is often passed on to consumers.

Harris’ campaign released a statement from Michigan Sen. Gary Peters saying a second Trump term would wipe out auto jobs “and cede Michigan’s global auto manufacturing leadership to the Chinese government.” He added that Harris has a plan to bring good-paying manufacturing jobs home “and ensure Michigan workers continue to lead the world in auto manufacturing.”

– What are the facts ‌behind Trump’s claims about Chinese automakers in Mexico?

Title: Debunking Trump’s Claims: The Reality of the US Auto Industry and Chinese Automakers in Mexico

Meta ⁤Description: Former President Trump’s‌ recent claims about Chinese​ automakers building massive factories in Mexico and the demise ⁣of the‍ US‌ auto industry are false.‍ Learn the truth about the current state of the industry and ‌the facts behind Trump’s tariffs threats.


During a recent visit to Michigan, former President⁤ Donald Trump made headlines by repeating false claims ​about⁤ Chinese automakers building massive factories in Mexico. He vowed to impose 200% tariffs on any vehicles leaving those factories and shipped to the United⁤ States. However, an examination ​of the facts reveals that Trump’s statements ‍are ⁤unfounded and⁣ misleading. ​In‍ this article, we’ll delve into the reality of the US auto industry, the presence of Chinese automakers in ​Mexico, ​and the consequences of Trump’s proposed tariffs.

The State ‌of the US Auto Industry

Contrary to Trump’s claims, the US auto industry is experiencing a ‍resurgence under President Joe Biden’s administration. Since January 2021, auto jobs‍ have risen 13.6% to 1.07 million in August, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Vehicle sales have also seen a 2.4% increase in the first half of the year. This growth is a stark contrast​ to the 0.8% decline ⁤in auto jobs during Trump’s presidency.

Chinese Automakers in Mexico: Fact vs. Fiction

Trump’s assertions about Chinese automakers building massive factories in Mexico are simply not ⁢true. While some Chinese automakers do aspire to sell their vehicles in the United States, there are currently no Chinese auto⁢ plants being built in Mexico. In fact,⁢ only one small Chinese​ automaker operates in the country.

The Impact of Tariffs on the ‍Auto Industry

Trump’s threats to impose 200% tariffs ⁤on vehicles imported from Mexico would have devastating⁤ consequences for the US ​auto industry. Such tariffs would lead to increased costs for consumers, hurting domestic sales and potentially triggering a trade⁣ war. The tariffs would also discourage foreign investment in the US auto industry, rather than encouraging it.

Foreign Automakers in⁤ the United States

Trump’s claim that he would force foreign automakers to build factories in the United States by imposing tariffs on‍ imported cars is also misguided. Many⁣ foreign automakers already have factories in the United States, primarily located in the southern states. These plants provide jobs and contribute to the local economies.


Trump’s claims about Chinese automakers building massive factories in Mexico​ and the demise of the ‍US auto industry are baseless and misleading. The facts clearly show that the US auto industry is experiencing growth under President Biden’s administration, and Chinese automakers have a limited presence in Mexico.⁤ Rather than ⁢imposing tariffs and threatening the industry,⁤ policymakers should focus on supporting the growth of the US auto industry ⁣and promoting fair trade practices.

Keywords: Detroit, Donald Trump, US auto industry, Chinese automakers, Mexico, tariffs, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, electric vehicles, manufacturing plants, Bureau ‍of Labor Statistics, vehicle sales, trade war, foreign investment.

Optimized Subheadings:

The State ⁣of the US Auto Industry

Chinese Automakers in Mexico: Fact vs. Fiction

The Impact​ of Tariffs on the Auto Industry

​ Foreign Automakers in the United States

* Conclusion

– What are the facts about the US auto industry’s growth under President Biden?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Debunking Trump’s Claims: The Reality of the US Auto Industry and Chinese Automakers in Mexico

Former President Donald Trump’s recent claims about Chinese automakers building massive factories in Mexico and the demise of the US auto industry are false. Learn the truth about the current state of the industry and the facts behind Trump’s tariffs threats.

The State of the US Auto Industry

Contrary to Trump’s claims, the US auto industry is experiencing a resurgence under President Joe Biden’s administration. Since January 2021, auto jobs have risen 13.6% to 1.07 million in August, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Vehicle sales have also seen a 2.4% increase in the first half of the year. This growth is a stark contrast to the 0.8% decline in auto jobs during Trump’s presidency.

Chinese Automakers in Mexico: Fact vs. Fiction

Trump’s assertions about Chinese automakers building massive factories in Mexico are simply not true. While some Chinese automakers do aspire to sell their vehicles in the United States, there are currently no Chinese auto plants being built in Mexico. In fact, only one small Chinese automaker operates in the country.

The Impact of Tariffs on the Auto Industry

Trump’s threats to impose 200% tariffs on vehicles imported from Mexico would have devastating consequences for the US auto industry. Such tariffs would lead to increased costs for consumers, hurting domestic sales



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