Trump calls Harris “stupid”

The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump insulted his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris by calling her “stupid.”

“She has a really low IQ,” the former U.S. president stated at a campaign rally in Atlanta, Georgia. Trump disparaged the current vice president and Democratic presidential candidate, labeling her as a “madwoman” and a “radical left-wing freak.”

“She’s worse than Bernie Sanders”

The Republican compared Harris to Senator Bernie Sanders, who has previously run for the Democratic presidential nomination and is known for his very left-wing positions. “She’s worse than Bernie Sanders. She’s like Bernie Sanders, but not as smart,” he mocked. “She’s a dumb version of Bernie Sanders and even further to the left than him.”

Trump is known for regularly launching vicious insults at his opponents. In the past, he has also belittled several individuals based on their alleged low IQ and described himself as a “very mentally stable genius.”

The fact that he is intensifying his rhetoric towards his opponent in the upcoming presidential election may be related to Harris gaining momentum in the campaign. She is currently attracting significant donations and performing better in initial polls against Trump than U.S. President Joe Biden, who initially intended to run against the Republican but withdrew from the race under pressure from his party.

Trump congratulates Putin

During his appearance in Atlanta, Trump congratulated Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin on the recent prisoner exchange with the West. “I would like to congratulate Vladimir Putin on once again making a great deal.”

The agreement resulted in the release of some of the world’s most dangerous individuals. “We got our people back,” Trump remarked but simultaneously complained that the U.S. was making “terrible” deals. He asserted that the agreement sets a bad precedent.

Even during his time in office, Trump noted that Americans imprisoned abroad were released, emphasizing: “I never paid anything.” The Republican had previously criticized the recent deal with Russia and implied, without any evidence, that money had been exchanged for the prisoner swap.

In a prisoner exchange on Thursday, Russia and Belarus released 16 individuals who had been jailed for activities as journalists, artists, opposition members, or activists. In exchange, ten people were handed over to Moscow from various prisons, including the convicted “Tiergarten murderer” Vadim Krassikov, who was incarcerated in Germany.

The U.S. government had advocated for the exchange with the assistance of several other nations to secure the release of U.S. citizens Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan from Russian custody.

Trump is said to have a certain rapport with Putin. During his presidency, he faced multiple accusations of seeking to befriend the Kremlin leader. Notably, at a summit with Putin in Helsinki in 2018, Trump questioned the conclusions of American intelligence agencies regarding Russian interference in U.S. elections, which sparked considerable outrage in the United States at that time.

In brief

  • Trump frequently insults his political opponents.
  • This time, his challenger Kamala Harris was the target of his remarks.
  • Trump described her as “stupid” and referred to her as a “crazy woman” and a “radical left freak.”

The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has recently made headlines for insulting his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris, describing her as “stupid.” At a campaign rally in Atlanta, Georgia, Trump asserted, “She has a really low IQ,” referring to Harris. He went on to label her a “madwoman” and a “radical left wing freak,” showcasing his typical approach of engaging in personal attacks against political rivals.

“She’s worse than Bernie Sanders”

During his speech, Trump drew comparisons between Harris and Senator Bernie Sanders, a figure known for his left-wing stance within the Democratic Party. Trump remarked, “She’s worse than Bernie Sanders. She’s like Bernie Sanders, but not as smart.” In his characteristic style, he labelled her a “dumb version of Bernie Sanders,” claiming she is further to the left than him.

Trump is notorious for using derogatory terms against his opponents, often criticizing their intelligence. He has previously called himself a “very mentally stable genius,” indicating a stark contrast to his portrayal of others.

The heightened tone of Trump’s remarks toward Harris could stem from her recent surge in momentum during the election campaign. Currently, Harris is attracting significant donations and is polling better against Trump than President Joe Biden, who had initially been the expected frontrunner but opted out of the race under party pressure.

Trump Congratulates Putin

In the same rally, Trump took the opportunity to commend Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin for a recent prisoner exchange deal with the West. Trump stated, “I would like to congratulate Vladimir Putin on once again making a great deal.” This exchange, involving several high-profile prisoners, was described by Trump as a successful operation but also criticized for what he deemed “terrible” deals that set a poor precedent for future negotiations.

Trump emphasized the importance of the exchange, stating, “We got our people back,” but simultaneously insinuated that the U.S. was making unfavorable agreements in the process.

Trump reflected on his administration’s efforts to secure the release of Americans held abroad, asserting, “I never paid anything.” He remarked on the latest deal with Russia, implying without substantial evidence that the U.S. had financially compensated for the released prisoners.

This latest exchange resulted in Russia and Belarus releasing 16 individuals imprisoned for various activities, including journalism and opposition movements. In return, the U.S. handed over ten prisoners to Russia, including the convicted “Tiergarten murderer” Vadim Krassikov, held in Germany.

The U.S. government facilitated this exchange with the help of several allied nations, aiming to secure the release of American citizens Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan, who remain in Russian custody. The developing relationship between Trump and Putin continues to draw scrutiny, particularly after Trump’s past actions that raised concerns regarding his affinity for the Kremlin.

During his presidency, Trump often found himself amidst controversy related to Russian interference in U.S. elections. His public affirmation of Putin’s denial of such interference at a summit in Helsinki, 2018, ignited significant backlash, illuminating the complexities of U.S.-Russia relations.

In Brief

  • Trump repeatedly insults political opponents.
  • This time, it was his challenger Kamala Harris who faced the backlash.
  • Trump branded Harris as “stupid” and referred to her as a “crazy woman” and a “radical left freak.”

Case Study: Trump’s Insult Strategy

Trump’s strategy of using insults can be traced back to his previous campaigns and speeches. This method seems to rally his base, often stirring controversy and garnering media attention. Communications experts suggest that while such tactics create short-term engagement, they may also alienate moderate voters who prefer political civility.

Impact of Insults on Voter Perception

Political analysts argue that Trump’s frequent derogatory comments could either reinforce his position among core supporters or undermine his credibility with undecided voters. The polarization of political discourse in the U.S. often leads to heightened emotional responses, shaping voter behavior in unpredictable ways.

Practical Tips for Engaging in Political Discourse

For readers interested in navigating today’s politically charged environment, here are some practical tips:

  • Focus on Issues: Center discussions on policies rather than personal attributes.
  • Encourage Open Dialogue: Create spaces for respectful conversations, allowing different viewpoints to be shared.
  • Stay Informed: Keep updated on current events to engage knowledgeably in discussions.
  • Practice Empathy: Understand the backgrounds of others’ opinions and approach conversations with curiosity rather than confrontation.



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