Trump and Harris immigration proposals

  • From deportations to comprehensive reform, these are the measures that both candidates have announced during their campaigns.

The management of immigration has become one of the central issues of the race for the presidency of the United States that is being disputed on November 5 between Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and former Republican president Donald Trump.

Trump, who has accused Haitian migrants in an Ohio town of eating neighbors’ pets, monopolizes the national debate, while Democrats increasingly embrace more restrictive positions on the border.

What does each candidate propose?

1- Deportation of migrants

Trump promises to carry out the largest deportation in the history of the United States, where more than 11 million people live in an irregular situation.

In an interview with the magazine Timeopened the door to building detention camps for migrants and deploying the Army to persecute undocumented people.

EFE/ Edward M. Pio Roda

For her part, Harris has criticized these Republican proposals, pointing out that they represent a “retrograde” idea about what the United States is.

However, the Administration of Joe Biden, of which Harris is vice president, has carried out more than a million deportations and it is expected that by the end of his term the number of expulsions seen under the Trump administration will be exceeded (1 .5 million).

2- Obtaining citizenship

Trump has promised to sign an executive order preventing children of undocumented migrants born in the United States from obtaining citizenship, even though birthright citizenship is a right enshrined in the Constitution.

When he was president (2017-2021) the Republican tried – although he failed in court – to end the DACA program, which gives residence and work permits to the so-called dreamers, undocumented migrants who were brought to the United States by their families when they were children. .

More than 100 migrant children and adolescents reported abuses by the border authority in the United States
Photo: EFE

Biden and Harris promised in the 2020 campaign to establish a path to grant citizenship to Dreamers and also an immigration reform to regularize millions of people, but the attempt did not advance in Congress.

This year, the Biden Administration created a program that gives “legal status” to more than half a million undocumented migrants who are married to US citizens.

Meanwhile, Harris in her presidential campaign has indicated that the immigration system is “broken” and that a “comprehensive reform” is needed to include a path “to citizenship,” but she is no longer promising the 2020 reform.

3- Ways of reception in the United States

The Biden and Harris Administration created a program called “humanitarian parole,” which offers a two-year temporary permit to people from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti who have a sponsor with legal status in the United States. Under this program, more than half a million migrants have arrived in the country.

The US announced the resumption of humanitarian parole for Venezuelans and other nationalities
Photo: Telemundo

In turn, the government expanded an immigration benefit called Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for some people from Burma, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ukraine and Venezuela.

However, Trump proposes ending the humanitarian parole, as he affirms that they are people who should not be in the United States, and opposes TPS, which he already tried to revoke during his term. He has also expressed his intention to prohibit it again, as he already did. He did when he was in the White House, the entry into the country of people from a series of Muslim countries, such as Iran, Iraq, Syria or Yemen.

4- Border policy

Trump promises to resume the construction of the border wall with Mexico, a measure that he promoted in his campaign for the elections that he won in 2016. He also wants to recover Title 42, a policy that he used during the covid-19 pandemic to immediately expel those who crossed the border irregularly, and reinstate the Remain in Mexico program, under which asylum seekers had to wait for their appointment with an immigration judge on the Mexican side of the border.

25 migrants have died on the border between Mexico and the United States amid restrictions
Photo: EFE

The Biden and Harris administration maintained Title 42 for more than two years and replaced it with a series of restrictions that prohibit most irregular crossers from seeking asylum in the United States and could result in a 5-year ban on returning. to enter the country in case of deportation. As a candidate, Harris has promised to write these restrictions permanently into law.

With information from EFE.

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#Trump #Harris #immigration #proposals
2024-09-27 20:45:17



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