True Blue’s Final Trading Price on September 6, 2024: Essential Insights You Should Consider

2024-09-06 19:07:58

he True Blue Today Friday, September 6, 2024 When informal markets close $216,75 purchase and $237.75 USD sell.

According to Blackboard National Bank of Argentina (BNA)the real official, Today is Friday, September 6th, close to $172.50 USD Buy it now $182.50 USD sell.

in turn, royal card, For overseas purchase, the reference value is US$292.00.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

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It is legal tender in Brazil since 1994. It is the strongest currency in Latin America It is also the 20th most traded currency in the world.

The symbol of the Brazilian real is R$, and banknotes are available in 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 reais. As for coins, there are: 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and 1 real. Previously, in 1942, the first version of the real was circulated, which was later replaced by the Cruzeiro.

US Senator Marco Rubio: “Brazil must reverse authoritarian actions against Elon Musk”

What is the dollar and euro blue trading price today?

In parallel markets, Blue Dollar operates today and Friday one $1240,00 purchase and $1260,00 sell.

According to BNA’s list, Official USD run today September 6th one $932,00 for purchase y $972,00 for Sale.

As far as he is concerned, Euro blue today Running on Friday 6th September one $1348,00 y $1370,00 for buying and selling respectively. Although official euro opera a $980,00 y $1040,00 for buying and selling respectively.

#closing #price #True #Blue #today #Friday #September

Dollar blue Argentina

The Blue Dollar in Argentina: Understanding the Informal Currency Market

As of September 6, 2024, the blue dollar, an informal currency market in Argentina, has been experiencing fluctuations in its exchange rates. In this article, ‍we will ‌delve into the current state of the blue dollar,‌ its history, and the factors affecting its value.

Current Exchange Rates

According to ‌the latest reports, the blue dollar is trading at $1240,00 for purchase and $1260,00 for sale⁢ in parallel markets [[3]]. Meanwhile, the National Bank of Argentina (BNA) has set the official exchange rate at $172.50 USD for purchase and $182.50 USD for ⁤sale [[1]]. The royal card, a reference for overseas purchases, has a value of US$292.00.

What ⁢is⁣ the Blue Dollar?

The ⁢blue⁤ dollar, also known as the “dolar blue” in Spanish, ​is an informal‌ currency market that operates outside‌ of the official banking system in Argentina. It ‍was created as a response to the country’s economic instability and high inflation rates, allowing individuals and businesses to exchange currency at a ⁣more favorable ⁣rate than the official exchange⁤ rate.

History of the Blue Dollar

The blue dollar has ‍been​ in existence since the 1990s, ⁣when Argentina was experiencing hyperinflation. At its peak, the blue dollar rate​ was around ⁤900 pesos to 1 USD, with ‍the official rate​ being around 300 pesos to 1 USD [[3]]. Since then, the blue dollar has fluctuated greatly, influenced by political and economic ​factors.

Factors Affecting the Blue Dollar

The blue dollar is heavily influenced by Argentina’s economic and ⁢political ⁤climate. Factors such as inflation‍ rates,​ political instability, and government policies can cause the blue dollar rate to ‌fluctuate. For example, when President Javier Milei took office, the blue dollar rate⁣ peaked at AR$1,250 on December 23, but has since fallen by‌ 21% [[1]].

Comparison to the Brazilian Real

While Argentina’s blue dollar is ⁤an informal currency market, the Brazilian real is the official currency of Brazil and is considered one of the strongest currencies in Latin America [[2]]. The real has ‍been the legal tender in Brazil since 1994 and is also the 20th most traded currency in the world.


The blue dollar is a complex and dynamic market that reflects Argentina’s economic and political instability. Understanding the blue dollar and ‍its fluctuations is crucial for individuals and businesses operating in‌ Argentina. As the blue dollar continues to fluctuate, it is essential to stay informed about the latest exchange rates and market trends.




<a href="”>[3]

Blue rate Argentina euro

The Blue Dollar: Understanding Argentina’s Informal Exchange Rate

As of September 6, 2024, the blue dollar exchange rate in Argentina has taken center stage, with the parallel market rate operating at $1240,00 for purchase and $1260,00 for sale, according to Blackboard National Bank of Argentina (BNA) [1[1]. But what exactly is the blue dollar, and how does it differ from the official exchange rate?

What is the Blue Dollar?

The blue dollar, also known as the Dólar Blue, is an informal exchange rate between US dollars and Argentinian pesos that offers a greater value than the official exchange rate [2[2]. This rate is set by underground exchange houses operating on the black market, and it has become a popular way for individuals to exchange currency, especially for foreigners visiting Argentina [3[3].

Dollar Blue Argentina: Understanding the Parallel Market Rate

In Argentina, the blue dollar has become a widely accepted exchange rate, with many businesses and individuals using it to conduct transactions. The parallel market rate is often higher than the official exchange rate, which can make it more attractive to those looking to exchange currency. As of September 6, 2024, the blue dollar exchange rate is operating at $1240,00 for purchase and $1260,00 for sale.

Official Exchange Rate vs. Blue Dollar

The official exchange rate, on the other hand, is set by the National Bank of Argentina and is typically lower than the blue dollar rate. For example, on September 6, 2024, the official USD exchange rate is $932,00 for purchase and $972,00 for sale, according to BNA’s list.

Euro Blue: Understanding the Euro Exchange Rate

In addition to the blue dollar, there is also a parallel market exchange rate for the euro, known as the Euro Blue. As of September 6, 2024, the Euro Blue exchange rate is operating at $1348,00 for purchase and $1370,00 for sale. The official euro exchange rate, on the other hand, is $980,00 for purchase and $1040,00 for sale.


The blue dollar and Euro Blue exchange rates are an important aspect of Argentina’s economy, offering an alternative exchange rate for those looking to conduct transactions. While the official exchange rate is set by the National Bank of Argentina, the blue dollar and Euro Blue rates are set by the parallel market, providing a higher value for those looking to exchange currency. Understanding these exchange rates is crucial for anyone looking to conduct business or travel in Argentina.


[1] Buenos Aires Herald. (2024, April 5). Argentina’s blue dollar falls below AR$1000 again, brecha at 12.5. Retrieved from

[2] CNBC. (2023, March 11). I doubled my money in Argentina with a ‘black market’ exchange rate. Retrieved from

[3] Brooke Beyond. (2024, February 22). Argentina’s Blue Dollar: Buying pesos on the black market. Retrieved from



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