Trudeau likens anti-restriction protesters to Nazis, Elon Musk compares Trudeau to Hitler

On February 16, during a fiery exchange in Canada’s House of Commons, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau compared Freedom Convoy protesters to Nazis, accusing Conservatives in Parliament of harboring sympathies with ” people waving swastikas ».

This comment was made in response to a question posed by a right-wing parliamentarian, Melissa Lantsman, who herself is Jewish, who denounced a “ unwarranted national emergency ».

The response was not long in coming. A group of 23 prominent doctors in Israel wrote a letter to Justin Trudeau castigating him for having likened the Freedom Convoy to a movement of Nazis.

« The necessary fight once morest anti-Semitism must not be exploited and used once morest a legitimate civil demonstration aimed at restoring fundamental freedoms in a country which, not so long ago, was one of the freest in the world. world “, they write. Stating that they have been following the news related to the Freedom Convoy for several weeks, the doctor’s group accuses Justin Trudeau of leading ” a smear-by-association campaign, portraying protesters as “Nazi sympathizers”, “racists” and “anti-Semites”, instead of attempting constructive dialogue. »

The group’s letter adds that many of the signatories are second or third generation Holocaust survivors and that they are ” deeply concerned regarding (Trudeau’s) attempt to stigmatize Freedom Convoy 2022 protesters as supporters of Nazi ideology ».

Elon Musk compare Justin Trudeau à Hitler

Thursday, February 17, on Twitter, Elon Musk, who previously distinguished himself by supporting the Canadian Freedom Convoy, compared the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, to Adolf Hitler. As relayed by Montreal Journalthe Tesla founder shared an image featuring a photo of the Nazi dictator, along with the comment: “ Stop comparing me to Justin Trudeau “. If Elon Musk has since removed his tweet, the comparison continues to be talked regarding.

This comparison comes at a time when Justin Trudeau announced Monday, February 14, to resort to an exceptional law which makes it possible to facilitate the imprisonment of demonstrators once morest health restrictions and authorizes banks to freeze their account without a court order.

See also: Freedom Convoy Canada: Justin Trudeau will freeze protesters’ bank accounts

On Twitterthe Committee of American Jews denounced a “ extremely poor discernment coming from one of the richest men in the world, who invoked ” Hitler to make his point of view on social networks ». « Exploiting this tragedy, where so many people were humiliated, tortured and killed by the totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany, is sad and disturbing “, is it also written on the account of the group.

For his part, former President Donald Trump called Justin Trudeau “a far-left madman who destroyed Canada”, reaffirming his support for truckers who he believes are peacefully demonstrating once morest ” senseless measures,” reports Business Insider.

Recurring comparisons to Hitler in political life

Many comparisons between the health policy pursued by Western governments with regard to the non-vaccinated and that carried out by the Nazi government with regard to the Jews during the 1930s have given rise to controversy during this Covid-19 crisis. Other controversies have also arisen over the comparison of right-wing political figures with Hitler.

In the United States, while political figures ranked on the left of the political spectrum were equated with the leader of the Third Reich, under Donald Trump, the mainstream press compared the former President of the United States to Adolf Hitler, as evidenced by one article du Washington Postwhich headlined: It is not wrong to compare Trump’s America to the Holocaust. Here’s why. »

In France, during a discussion on the set of the Hour of the Pros on CNews Tuesday February 1, Ivan Rioufol, journalist and editorialist at Figaro, regular on Pascal Praud’s show, had also compared the treatment of non-vaccinated under Emmanuel Macron’s health policy to that of the Jews imprisoned in the Warsaw ghetto during the Second World War. Remarks which had aroused the ire of SOS Racisme and the International League once morest Racism and Anti-Semitism (Licra), the former seizing the CSA and the latter denouncing ” surreal debates and total intellectual confusion ».

See also: “We are living through a serious intelligence crisis”: Ivan Rioufol publishes his “Journal d’un paria”

On September 18, 2021, it was Eric Zemmour who was compared to Hitler by the satirical journalist of France Inter Charline Vanhoenacker. In a video posted on social networks, she showed herself defacing posters of Eric Zemmour by applying a mustache to him. hitlerian “. The lawyer Gilles William-Goldnadel, known for his legal actions within the framework of his commitment once morest anti-Semitism, immediately protested to see a Jew being nazified, seeing in it the mark of a ” fascism ” from the left.

See also: Gilles-William Goldnadel presents his “Handbook of Resistance to Far Left Fascism”



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