Triumphs on the Horizon: New Hope for Battling Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Heal yes one breast cancer triple negative when this is diagnosed early it is possible. Of fundamental importance, however, is the use ofimmunotherapy before and after surgical removal. In the KEYNOTE-522 study, presented in Barcelona at the congress of theEuropean Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), the results relating to overall survival to the disease have been announced: the addition ofpre- and post-operative immunotherapy has greatly increased the percentage of women alive 5 years after diagnosis. The extraordinary data, demonstrating the great result achieved, were published by the journal New England Journal of Medicne. However, it is essential to turn to some breast unit qualified: even today many women in these conditions are operated on without first proceeding with the treatment chemo-immunoterapico.


«Il triple negative breast cancer -explains Professor Giuseppe Curigliano, director of the Division for the Development of New Drugs for Innovative Therapies at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan and president-elect of ESMO- breast cancer is historically more difficult to treat. While other forms have receptors on the surface of tumor cells that can be used to guide therapies, in triple negative the absence of targets makes it more difficult to tackle the disease”. Of the 55,900 diagnoses per year in Italy, approximately 15% belongs to the triple negative category.


In metastatic forms, immunotherapy has already led to small improvements in disease control. This is why, as often happens, the scientific community has begun to study its use also in early forms high risk. The need to identify new treatments for early-stage triple-negative breast cancer is in fact more pressing than ever. «Triple negative – continues Curigliano – is the more aggressive form of disease. The risk of distant relapse increases rapidly from diagnosis and peaks in the first 3 years. In absence of therapeutic targetstreatment options have historically been limited and consist of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy».


The study KEYNOTE-522 wanted to test the use of chemo e immunotherapy with pembrolizumab in mode neoadjuvant -that is, before surgery- and immunotherapy after surgery, that is, in the adjuvant. Women treated with this approach were compared with a group treated with the standard modality that included neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by a placebo after surgery. The analyses showed that in the group treated with immunotherapy there was reduced risk of death of 34% compared to chemotherapy. But to better understand what this means there is the data relating to overall disease survival: 5 years after diagnosis, the patient is alive86,6% of women treated with immunotherapy compared to 81.7% of those treated only with chemotherapy. “Until now – explains Curigliano – we had never seen results of this magnitude in such an aggressive pathology. Only 5 years ago we were talking about healing in triple negative breast cancer it seemed like a utopia. These data tell us that instead it is possible”.


The treatment in question is already approved and available in many countries, including Italy. However, to receive it, the molecular characterization of the disease is necessary. «Today in our country – Curigliano underlines – it still happens that following the fine needle aspiration only the cytological characterization of the cells taken. In case of tumor the patient is sent to the surgeon for the operation. This must not happen. It is essential that a tissue biopsy to characterize the disease and identify whether or not the receptors are present. In the case of triple negative, the patient will be eligible for neoadjuvant chemo-immunotherapeutic treatment. Not following this procedure is malpractice in all respects, or inappropriate behavior by the healthcare professional that can damage the patient’s health”. This is why today more than ever it is important to go to hospitals with a breast unit able to guarantee a multidisciplinary approach in which the pathologist, surgeon, oncologist and radiotherapist can discuss which treatment strategy to adopt based on the patient’s characteristics.

– How‌ does immunotherapy⁤ improve treatment outcomes ‍for triple negative breast⁤ cancer? ⁢

Healing Triple Negative Breast ⁢Cancer: The Power of Immunotherapy

Breast ‌cancer is one of the most common‌ and aggressive types of‍ cancer, and⁣ triple negative ⁣breast cancer (TNBC) is considered one of the most challenging forms‌ to treat. However, recent breakthroughs in immunotherapy ⁤have shown⁤ promising results in improving treatment outcomes for TNBC patients. In this ‍article, we’ll delve ‍into the latest research on immunotherapy and its potential to ​heal TNBC.

What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer?

TNBC⁢ accounts for approximately 15% of‌ the 55,900⁢ breast cancer diagnoses per year in Italy.​ This type of breast cancer is characterized by⁢ the absence of​ estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) on ⁣the surface of tumor cells. This lack of receptors makes it ⁣difficult to target the disease with traditional therapies.

Reducing the Risk of Relapse

In ⁢metastatic forms, immunotherapy has already shown improvements in disease control. To ⁣reduce the risk of relapse, researchers have begun studying the use of immunotherapy in early-stage high-risk‍ TNBC. The need for ⁢new treatments is pressing, as ‌TNBC is the most aggressive form of breast cancer, with​ a high ‌risk of distant relapse in the first three years after diagnosis.

Immunotherapy Treatments

The KEYNOTE-522 study, presented ⁢at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) congress, has demonstrated the potential of immunotherapy in treating TNBC. The study tested ⁢the use of chemotherapy and immunotherapy with pembrolizumab in a neoadjuvant setting ‌(before surgery) and adjuvant setting (after surgery). The results showed​ a 34% reduction in the risk of death in the immunotherapy group compared to the chemotherapy group. ⁤Moreover,⁢ the overall survival rate was significantly higher in the immunotherapy group, with 86.6% of patients alive five years after diagnosis compared to 81.7% in the chemotherapy group.

The Importance of Molecular Diagnosis

To receive immunotherapy treatment, molecular characterization⁣ of the disease is essential. However, in Italy, many women are still operated on without first undergoing molecular diagnosis. It is crucial to perform a tissue biopsy to ⁤characterize the disease and⁢ identify potential targets for ⁣therapy.

Why is Immunotherapy Important?

Immunotherapy ⁢is⁢ a game-changer in the ⁤treatment of ⁣TNBC. By stimulating the body’s immune system to⁢ fight cancer cells, immunotherapy can reduce the risk of relapse ⁢and improve overall survival rates. The results of⁤ the ⁣KEYNOTE-522‍ study are a testament to the power of immunotherapy in treating this aggressive⁣ form of breast cancer.


Healing triple negative breast cancer is no​ longer a utopia. With the advent of immunotherapy, there is new hope for women diagnosed with this aggressive form of breast‍ cancer. However, it is essential to receive molecular diagnosis ​and treatment from a qualified breast⁤ unit. By combining chemotherapy and immunotherapy, we​ can significantly improve treatment outcomes and increase‌ the chances of survival. As‌ Professor Giuseppe Curigliano ‌notes, “Only five ⁢years ago, we were talking about healing in triple negative breast cancer, it seemed like a⁤ utopia. These data tell us that instead, it is possible.”

Keywords: triple negative ⁣breast cancer, immunotherapy, chemotherapy,⁤ molecular diagnosis, breast unit, KEYNOTE-522​ study, European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO).

Meta⁢ Description: Learn about‌ the latest breakthroughs in immunotherapy for triple negative breast cancer, and how it can improve treatment outcomes and ‍increase the chances of survival.

Header Tags:

H1: Healing ⁣Triple Negative Breast Cancer: The Power of Immunotherapy

H2: What is Triple Negative ‍Breast Cancer?

H2: Reducing⁣ the Risk of‍ Relapse

H2: ​Immunotherapy Treatments

H2: ‍The Importance of Molecular ⁢Diagnosis

⁤H2: Why​ is ⁣Immunotherapy Important?

* ‌H2: Conclusion

Negative breast cancer have new hope for effective treatment and better outcomes.

Healing Triple Negative Breast Cancer: The Power of Immunotherapy

Triple negative breast cancer is a type of breast cancer that is historically more difficult to treat due to the absence of receptors on the surface of tumor cells. However, recent studies have shown that the use of immunotherapy before and after surgical removal can greatly increase the chances of survival. In this article, we will explore the latest developments in the treatment of triple negative breast cancer and the importance of molecular diagnosis.

What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer?

Triple negative breast cancer is a type of breast cancer that lacks three common receptors: estrogen, progesterone, and HER2. This makes it more aggressive and difficult to treat than other types of breast cancer. In Italy, approximately 15% of the 55,900 diagnoses per year belong to the triple negative category.

Reducing the Risk of Relapse

In metastatic forms, immunotherapy has already led to small improvements in disease control. The scientific community has begun to study its use in early forms of triple negative breast cancer to reduce the risk of distant relapse. The risk of distant relapse increases rapidly from diagnosis and peaks in the first 3 years.

Immunotherapy Treatments

The KEYNOTE-522 study wanted to test the use of chemotherapy and immunotherapy with pembrolizumab in neoadjuvant mode (before surgery) and immunotherapy after surgery, in adjuvant mode. Women treated with this approach were compared with a group treated with the standard modality that included neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by a placebo after surgery. The analyses showed that in the group treated with immunotherapy, there was a reduced risk of death of 34% compared to chemotherapy. The overall disease survival rate 5 years after diagnosis was 86.6% in women treated with immunotherapy compared to 81.7% of those treated only with chemotherapy.

The Importance of Molecular Diagnosis

The treatment in question is already approved and available in many countries, including Italy. However, to receive it, the molecular characterization of the disease is essential. It is crucial to identify the genetic mutations that drive the growth of the tumor to develop personalized treatment plans.

How Does Immunotherapy Improve Treatment Outcomes for Triple Negative Breast Cancer?

Immunotherapy works by harnessing the power of the immune system to attack cancer cells. In the case of triple negative breast cancer, immunotherapy can help to identify and target specific genetic mutations that drive the growth of the tumor. By using immunotherapy before and after surgical removal, the chances of survival are significantly improved.


Healing triple negative breast cancer is no longer a utopia. With the use of immunotherapy before and after surgical removal, the chances of survival are significantly improved. It is essential to turn to a qualified breast unit and to undergo molecular diagnosis to develop personalized treatment plans. With the latest developments in immunotherapy, women diagnosed with triple



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