Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Rose Trip Morocco Solidarity Trek Success Story

2024-01-26 11:26:00

the essentials Three friends participated, in October, in the Rose Trip Maroc, a solidarity trek in the Merzouga desert, to celebrate 10 years without a relapse of breast cancer for one of them. Building on the numerous supports they received, Gers resident Céline Halbout presented, in mid-January, a check for €5,300 to the Oncopole in Toulouse, where she had been treated.

Emotions were high on this day of January 15 for Céline Halbout, who returned to the Oncopole in Toulouse. This time, for good news: she presented a check for €5,300 to the research service once morest triple negative breast cancer, the place where she herself had been treated 10 years earlier.

Read also :
Breast cancer: three friends embark on a solidarity trek in the desert to turn the page on cancer

As she was regarding to celebrate her 40th birthday, Céline Halbout was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, the least common subtype of breast cancer which affects around 15% of sick people and which has the highest mortality. high. After years of treatment and follow-up, she decided, last fall, to celebrate 10 years without relapse by living a unique experience. She participated, with two close friends, Karine Ludinard and Marie-Laure Bouquignaud, in the Rose trip Morocco, a solidarity and women’s trek in the Merzouga desert.

With the support of many Gers residents and partners, the three friends managed to collect a nice sum of money, including €6,000 for the Ruban Rose breast cancer association and, therefore, €5,300 for the breast cancer service. research once morest triple negative breast cancer at the Oncopole of Toulouse. “It was with immense emotion that I experienced this moment with my oncologist Professor Dalenc, writes Céline Halbout. A page is turned, the memory of a fight remains, of the strength of the support of all the people who have served this adventure, who have shown themselves to be supportive and generous. Resilience has taken on its full meaning and thanks to all of you, research is moving forward and finding results!”

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