TRIELTAM Facebook page hacked –

Through an announcement in your Web pagehe State Electoral Court from Tamaulipas (TRIELTAM), reported that his profile of Facebook has been hacked Therefore, it is not responsible for any publication or information that is disseminated from its page in the aforementioned red social.

The Electoral Court of the State of Tamaulipas makes public that the Facebook page has been hacked, and therefore disclaims any publication or information that is disseminated“, reads the announcement.

This is the second time in this electoral process that the Court reports the hacking of its page, previously, in the month of June The same announcement was placed on the institution’s official website to point out the same situation. On that occasion, the sessions in which the issues were analyzed were about to begin. challenges presented by the results of the election of municipal presidents and local deputies.

It is relevant to highlight that this cyber attack occurs after last Wednesday, August 21, the presiding judge of the Court, Edgar Danes Rojas was the victim of an armed attack in his home, where he received two gunshot wounds.

Regarding the case of the attack on Danés Rojas, the authorities have been inclined to believe that it originated in the professional activity who serves as president of Trieltam.



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