Trick on Instagram: How to publish stories of more than 15 seconds in the application? | Cheats | app | Trends | United States | USA | us us | USES

Here we will tell you how to share longer stories. One of the most widely used applications worldwide today is, without a doubt, Instagram. This application, which was created with the purpose of allowing users to take photos or record videos, sharing experiences or experiences of their day to day, continues to grow and millions of users search every day for the best tricks to get the most out of this app.

How do you publish stories longer than 15 seconds?

Today, Instagram stories are not that long, since only 15 seconds of video are allowed so that they can be shared in the user’s stories. This applies to both iPhone and Android users. Therefore, you should follow this tutorial:

  • Access Instagram from any Smartphone.
  • Click on the “+” button that is located in the upper right part.
  • Enter the “History” option.
  • You must select to record videos for more than 15 seconds.
  • The stories will then accumulate until the video is finished recording.

It should be noted that it is necessary to press “Next” and following a few seconds all the stories will be published. In addition, they can be edited individually, so you do not worry regarding the fragments that are created. Another important point is that if you want to upload a video to your stories on Instagram from your Smartphone’s gallery, you just have to share the video in your app and it will be divided into fragments of 15 seconds each.

What are Instagram Notes?

Another new functionality that Instagram has introduced are the notes. It is an alternative to private messages and is a hybrid between a story and a tweet. It is a short message of no more than 60 characters where users can post whatever they want, such as their mood, good wishes or an opinion.

This message will appear at the top of your followers’ private message inbox and can be seen by everyone.




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