tribute to the eight blue helmets that died in the crash of their helicopter

Monusco helicopters on a mission over the DRC (illustrative image).

© RFI/LL Westerhoff
Monusco helicopters on a mission over the DRC (illustrative image).

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the UN demands serious investigations, and the truth following the death of eight blue helmets from Monusco during the crash of their helicopter, on Tuesday March 29, in Tchanzu, in Rutshuru territory in the province of North Kivu. This Saturday, April 2 in Goma, the UN Deputy Secretary General in charge of peacekeeping operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, paid tribute to the victims.

With our correspondent in the DRC, William Basimike

During this ceremony full of emotion, Jean-Pierre Lacroix promised that the United Nations would continue to collaborate with the Congolese authorities, the security forces and the civil authorities. Investigations have begun and will continue, assures the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations until “ responsibilities are established “. The head of Monusco, Bintou Keita, present at the ceremony, promised that collective efforts will be combined so that ” justice be done ».


Congolese Defense Minister Gilbert Kabanda reiterated the DRC’s commitment to protecting civilians and neutralizing armed groups. ” It’s a deadly engagement, but the determination and the will of the Congolese army and Monusco will serve as motivation for the next mission. “, he said.

Reconnaissance mission

The bodies of the eight peacekeepers, including six Pakistanis, one Serbian and one Russian, have been repatriated. Monusco indicates that the crash of the helicopter took place while it was carrying out a reconnaissance mission in a region marked by an upsurge – in recent months – of clashes between the M23 and the FARDC. On the ground, the two parties always blame each other.

Read also : Crash of a Monusco helicopter in the DRC: the FARDC and the M23 accuse each other



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