Tribune citizen: Mohamed BAZOUM, a Nigerien Tout Court?

This question arises with regard to a strong Act recently issued by President Mohamed Bazoum, which converges with the Values ​​retained in the draft Citizens’ Charter “Nigerien Tout Court, NTC”.

In favor of the blessed month of Ramadan, the President of the Republic initiated a Meeting with Leaders of Islamic Associations in order to send a message of call for Prayers and abundant Blessings for our country.

At Nigerien Tout Court (NTC), we believe that the Leader in the noble sense of the term is necessarily a Believer, a Person who has the fear of the Lord of the Worlds.

Even if we noted with great satisfaction the undeniable quest of President Mohamed Bazoum, to fight against corruption, surges of solidarity with suffering populations (Diffa and Tillaberi), reinstatement in certain cases of abuse power, or injustice, we considered that the point of eligibility for the label “Nigerien Tout Court” (NTC), was not clearly perceptible.

It took this Act with strong religious content in the special context of the month of Ramadan, for us to see a legibility in the criterion of appreciation of the quality of NTC.
This Reflection is not an attempt to review the two (2) years of State management by President Mohamed Bazoum.

It allows us to emphasize that over the remainder of his term of office , there is potential for beneficial political work to be carried out , in the hope of moving forward more resolutely . However, this political work must absolutely take into account our Fundamental Social Values. As a prerequisite there is the imperative need to revisit the Terms of the Consolidate Dialectic and move forward.

The experience of the management of the State during these two years, teaches that the “consolidation” dimension of its Program absorbs a lot of energy as the structural deficiencies to be resorbed are numerous.

It is also necessary to get rid of acquired ideological presuppositions which are real obstacles slowing down the will to move forward. Considering, for example, that because Mali is suspected of employing a private military militia, then it should be ostracized.

This is why we believe that President Mogamed Bazoum, despite his “insatiable demand for the People”, his need to release the right energies, and to produce strategic intelligence, the Results in terms of social mobilization, security and well-being being social are difficult to read.

In several Citizens’ Tribunes we have underlined the limits of the MG-MB method of managing public affairs. It remains dependent on poor implementation of the “Consolidate and Advance” Dialectic.

President Mohamed Bazoum, President of all Nigeriens must be clearly visible on the promotion of essential fundamental social values, which will undoubtedly have a considerable impact on his overall balance sheet.

1. Convergence with the NTC Principles
In extenso, here are the qualities of NTC concerned in the preliminary draft of the Charter of Citizenship. In view of these Principles, the Act of President Mohamed Bazoum encourages us to think that it reveals the characteristic qualities of the CNTs. Values ​​that make them people of quality, Nigeriens who strive to be socially exemplary in their private and public lives.

In points 1, 2 and 3 of the draft charter concerning the values ​​defended by the Nigerien Citizen Tout Court (NTC), the following is required:

1.1 An Aversion to the pursuit of easy gain, corruption, laziness, fraud in all its forms

1.2 An Aversion to religious intolerance, religious fanaticism, violent extremism

1.3 Belief in God in the Power of Faith and the Benefits of His Blessings and the Need for Divine Protection in all Deeds.

Generally our Heads of State do not give themselves enough time to listen to the spiritual concerns of their fellow citizens. They are satisfied with their general culture on questions of religion or spirituality, to decide or adopt postures. the fixism on the secularism of the Republic partly explains the lukewarmness of the relations of certain Heads of State with Religion.
Often this becomes a useless source of controversy, even disenchantment with the Leader.

2. On the need to “Advance and Advance”

It is in these terms that we reformulate the campaign slogan “Consolidate and move forward”. The Philosopher will understand the subtleties and other purposes contained in this semantic reconstruction of the philosophy of his Governance.

Before continuing, it is important to emphasize and make the population understand that the management of public affairs under our Heavens, and therefore the building of a Nation, is not a speed race.

The Head of State cannot be in competition with some Programs carried out under other Regimes. He has a requirement for Results with himself, which requires carrying out concrete Actions with an impact. It is also the way for the Chief, to register his name in the victorious History or of success of his country.

Now let us return to the need for the reorientation of the philosophy of public action.

Our Conclusions and comments are drawn from observation at our level, from the management of Public Affairs, . We foresee three (3) possible fields or axes of concentration of development Actions to “Advance and Advance”.

These fields or Lines of Action are dialectically linked. These are :
1. Make rapid progress on the good neighborhood policy with Mali
2. Create conditions for the return of populations displaced by terrorist insecurity.
3. To polish the relations without complex with the Religion in order to obtain the collective and individual Divine Grace.

Our Religion Islam teaches us the value and importance of Good Neighborly Relations. They are not far from Kinship Relations, they are so important.

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This principle also applies to geostrategy. It is an important existential principle for a country.

Good neighborly relations condition socio-political tranquility and prosperity in each of the countries concerned.

This is why we are pleased to welcome and support the commitment displayed by President Mohamed Bazoum to relaunch and consolidate good neighborliness with neighboring countries. It was during his recent stay in Togo, after a first visit to Benin.

In Benin and Togo, the pretexts and other reasons had a predominantly economic content.

Concerning Mali, the security arguments will impose themselves. Valid reasons for restoring the official bridges of fraternity and solidarity.

A political News of this kind would be strongly applauded by the great majority of the Populations of the two countries. It would arouse an immense capital of sympathy with public opinion in both countries, and even beyond.

A citizen movement could be initiated to bring each other to overcome their egos, and to renew the links of global fraternity with the brother country of Mali.

It is also a question of aiming to “advance” the window of oxygenation obtained by “military diplomacy”, naturally with the approval of the President of the Republic.

In fact, the ball is more in the camp of Niger, who by harsh words against the authorities of the transition in Mali, has created a crisis situation that should never happen.

In the test of history, we realize the weakness of the arguments used to justify a diplomatic distance from Mali.

The foreign Powers which have implicitly for some of them, worked to isolate Mali, who claim to be models of complete democracy, are jostling in Koulouba-Bamako to be accepted by the Malian authorities of the Transition.

At the sub-regional level, even Côte d’Ivoire, which has experienced an acute crisis, is putting Turbos to reconnect
global fraternity with Mali (convening of a Joint Commission). We can and we must also revive this fraternity.
President Seini Oumarou invited in one of his Messages, to overcome the Ego on both sides.

We believe he is right, it is a wise posture with strong popular demand.

We are pleased to point out that we have undertaken, on our small civic scale, several Lobbying Initiatives which have obtained the support of a certain number of Compatriots, high-quality Resource Persons, with glowing socio-political backgrounds.

These Initiatives came up against a fundamental equation for which an answer was needed: What is the official position of the Nigerien Executive, headed by the President of the Republic?

This is the place to thank them for the high contributions, suggestions and above all their commitment to accompany any dynamic of strengthening the Relations of fraternity and solidarity between the Brother Peoples of Mali and Niger.

I can’t help mentioning their names, even if it means teasing their culture of discretion, modesty and generosity.

They are Mr. Hassane Ali Hadiza Moussa Gros, Mr. Khalid Ikhri, Mr. Antarou Hassane Karanta, Mr. Issoufou Kado Magagi, Mr. Goumandakoye Mounkaila, Mr. Ewangue Mohamed, Mr. Mariko Aboubacar, Mr. Louel Kader Mahamadou, Mr. Moussa Mohamed.
Doesn’t our Religion teach us abundantly about the inconveniences and other damage in human relationships due to pride?

Moreover, the Great Men have always been able to overcome this barrier with regard to the interior of their countries.
This is why we believe that the Meeting with the Heads of Islamic Associations attests to the attachment of the President of the Republic to the Force of Faith, to that of Invocations and other Prayers.

In our eyes, this constitutes an important step allowing us to suggest that we must “move forward” in the return to good neighborliness with Mali.

The Month of Ramadan being that of extremely beneficial sincere forgiveness, is an unparalleled opportunity to forgive and reconcile.

Concerning the Lines of Action on security and the return of development in the Territories deserted by the Populations, the return of integral cooperation between Mali and Niger should accelerate and consolidate the processes.

We have recorded a foretaste of the benefits of such good neighborliness, with the military cooperation found between the Defense and Security Forces of the two countries. Concrete results have already been achieved in the fight against terrorism.

By way of synthesis, we consider that the taking into account of the Faith and the values ​​of humanity, in the philosophy of conduct of the Affairs of the State, is a decisive step in the creation of conditions of popular mobilization around the Forces of defense and security, around the higher interests of our country.
The resumption of productive activities by populations returning to their lands will have a multiplier effect on the national Gross Happiness rate

Elhadj Maiga Alzouma
Nigerien Tout Court, NTC
Committed African

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