2023-11-13 09:16:00
The Namur Assize Court on Monday began the trial of Omar Hedi, 36, who must answer for the murder of his wife, Mariana Gouverneur. Attorney General Vandermeiren first read the indictment.
On April 18, 2021 in Rochefort, Omar Hedi stabbed Mariana Gouverneur, 25, to death with 29 stab wounds. The events took place in the apartment where the two protagonists and their 5 children lived, rue de France.
That day, the victim, who had already been stabbed, called his mother via the Messenger video application. She then tells him that her husband stabbed her and that she is going to die. In the meantime, Omar Hedi asks for help from a rescue neighbor, who takes care of the victim. The couple’s 5 children were in the apartment at the time. “Omar, you want to kill me,” the victim reportedly said as he received the numerous stab wounds. Once there, the police arrested Hedi, confessing to the facts. All those involved were struck by the large quantity of blood lost by the victim. She died following several resuscitation attempts.
The witnesses heard as part of the investigation explain that Omar Hedi was jealous and that he monitored his wife’s actions. But also that he would have in the past dealt blows to Mariana Gouverneur. Which would have pushed her to talk regarding divorce. Asked regarding the reasons for his action, the accused replied that, for some time, Mariana had been making him jealous by showing him that she was conversing with other men. He had to take care of the children alone.
On the evening of the events, the two protagonists had consumed cannabis. Death was caused by 29 blows with a kitchen knife with a 21-centimeter blade. Psychiatrists and psychologists confirm that the accused was not in a state of disorder that abolished his capacity for discernment or control of his actions at the time of the events. He is known to the police for around ten facts.
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