Trial for the crime of Fernando Bez Sosa, LIVE: minute by minute and all the news of the eighth day

Prior to entering the Oral Court of Crime No. 1 of Dolores, Fernando Burlando He estimated the possibility that, late in the trial, the eight accused rugby players decide to change lawyers. today, Hugo Tomei represents each of them equally, beyond the degree of involvement they had in the event.

In this sense, he explained that “they are hypotheses“and he clarified that at this stage of the trial “there is no problem, the court is going to decide correctly how to continue this diligence”. However, he considered that the hearings could be delayed “minimally” so that the new lawyer is put on the subject.

You will have to pass a video recording because the trial is being filmed so that he can get up to speed and hope that he has the opportunity to control the evidence,” he said.

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