Treubach mayor has resigned |

VP Vice Mayor Georg Schickbauer has been in charge of Treubacher’s official business since May last year. Mayor Martin Erlinger had to hand over to his deputy for health reasons and will no longer be returning to the office. This has been clear since the beginning of the year. He informed of his resignation in a letter to the municipal office. He made this decision “following careful consideration and in consultation with his doctors,” writes Erlinger. His current health condition no longer allows him to fully assume the duties and responsibilities as mayor.

Closing schools hurt

A serious political blow for the community and the mayor was the school closure at the end of the last school year, which the Treubachers tried to defend themselves once morest until the end. Unsuccessful: The Treubacher elementary school students are now mainly taught in the neighboring community of Roßbach. “The day the school closed was a very painful day for all of us and a very drastic point in the community’s history,” says Georg Schickbauer. He will continue in office until the new election, probably in April this year. The 58-year-old farmer can also imagine running for mayor. He has political experience: he has been deputy mayor since 2014, he has been on the local council for 16 years, on the Chamber of Agriculture council for three years, and before that he was chairman of the farmers’ association.

Because the legislative period is not yet four years old, the population is called to the ballot box. The only exception: If there is no valid election proposal by the election date, which means if no party nominates a candidate, then the right to vote reverts to the local council, explains Josef Tischlinger from the Braunau district administration.


Magdalena Lagetar

Innviertel editorial team

Magdalena Lagetar

Magdalena Lagetar


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