“Trentini without heart? No, against serial execution” –

The bear KJ1, which on July 16 was responsible for the attack on a 43-year-old French tourist in Naroncolo, in the municipality of Dro, in Trentino, was killed in the early hours of Tuesday, July 30. The killing provoked harsh reactions from environmentalists but also from the world of politics. The decision, taken during the night, by the president of the Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti to sign the killing decree was called into question. “I don’t agree with the fact that all Trentino people are considered heartless people with the rest of the country and I don’t agree with the theory that those who defend animals don’t defend the Trentino people. My actions in the interest of Trentino and the Trentino people I represent in parliament are that the problem of the bear that exists – it is concrete and real for my people, is managed efficiently and definitively, which does not involve the serial execution of sentient beings, that is, those who have a soul and who have not asked to be introduced into our territory”, declared Senator Michaela Biancofiore, President of the Civici d’Italia group.

Feltri thunders on the bear KJ1: Only rifle and blood. Does he think he's God?

Violence “is typical of those who have no arguments and means and this is not the case of the Autonomous Province that wanted the management of the bears in the belief that it could do better than the State and unfortunately this did not happen. The well-being and serenity of the Trentino people is the primary goal of all of us politicians and administrators, but also that of protecting the biodiversity that made us be and appear so special in the eyes of the rest of the country. The slaughter of bears is not worthy of our history, our credibility, our organizational skills, our love for the environment, our tourist attitude. Over time, there have been many alternatives indicated by various parties to the easy solution of the one-two punch to be propagated to satisfy the basest instincts of man, and with great regret I ask myself why the province did not agree to the move requested by the associations at their own expense?”, continued the senator.

Hit and killed by a car: a bear cub dies in Trentino

And again: “Why has the Province not followed up on the requests of the Trentino veterinarians despite their indications towards sterilization? Why are not all the plantigrades equipped with radio collars for monitoring with electric shock, as in South Africa for lions – to bring them back to their territory and carry out a census of the plantigrades every two years and not annually as previously happened? I would like there to be an answer to these questions that I am not the only one asking myself but all Italians and I would like the people of Trentino to also demand an answer from those who govern them and not give in to the call of ferocity towards beings that we have used for the tourist return that, despite the damage to our image caused by the emphasis on the problem ad usum delphini, has not suffered a single cancellation”. “Trentino is not safe if you kill one bear after another in a sort of ridiculous high noon with the plantigrades, it will only be safe if we act at the root of the problem without pretenses and resentments like the Marchese del Grillo. We need that bear commissioner immediately who, in concert with the Province and the ministries involved in public safety, will restore tranquility and humanity to my land”, concluded Michaela Biancofiore.

#Trentini #heart #serial #execution #Tempo
2024-08-02 03:46:59



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