TREBISACCE-10/08/2024: For the Minority the Mundo executive is a reheated soup

TREBISACCE They promised the “rebirth” and instead they propose the “restoration” and that is the old and stale soup that we had already eaten for 10 years” It is the frontal attack, by the 3 Minority councilors Mariateresa Petta, Francesca Paolino and Antonio Cerchiara, (the fourth Minority councilor Antonio Aurelio is not among the signatories) to the Mundo executive that has been in office for about 3 months at the helm of the Municipality without giving proof, in the opinion of the 3 Opposition councilors, of any change with respect to the old logic of management of public affairs. After the “impactful” premise, Petta, Cerchiara and Paolino enter into the merits of the objections, starting with the institutional communication entrusted, according to what is written in the press release released by the former mayoral candidate Mariateresa Petta, to a company, whose corporate name would be a sportswear store, “whose owner would appear to be the nephew of a municipal councilor”. Yet, according to the aforementioned note, the most important criterion indicated for the choice of the “communicator” was experience. “But what experience – ask the signatories of the note, underlining that in Trebisacce there are still worthy journalists – can a company that sells sportswear on the Internet have?”. From communication to the water crisis of these days, the Minority notes an inaccurate communication on the times of interruption of the service and on the real causes that are causing the water shortage. According to what Petta, Cerchiara and Paolino write, one cannot hide behind the alibi that “it doesn’t rain” if one has not taken steps in time to build systems for the collection of water to be introduced into the municipal network after a drinkability test. “The truth – write the councilors of the group “Trebisacce per Trebisacce” – is that in ten years of government of the current Mayor, new tanks, new wells have never been built and no maintenance work has ever been done on the Giordomenico filter tunnel”. The last critical point the three of the Minority reserve for the sum committed (about 200 thousand euros between VAT and Siae) to set up the summer billboard “MarEstate 2024”. “A bolt from the blue certainly – write Petta Paolino and Cerchiara – considering the thousand problems that have arisen, strong and evident, in this hot deserted, desolate and thirsty summer. The committed expense – according to the Minority – is exorbitant and not justified compared to a billboard, certainly varied and intense, but poor in ideas and planning that carries within itself an anachronistic idea of ​​things without any strategic and programmatic vision”. A summer billboard that according to the Minority is inadequate for the tourist vocation of Trebisacce and also set up according to clientelistic logic and without vision and perspective, ends up wasting economic resources without making the city attractive, but at the same time increasing, according to the Minority, taxes and duties relating to the TARI both for citizens and traders. “Having requested a copy of the individual contracts and estimates drawn up for each event – ​​conclude Petta, Paolino and Cerchiara – we will be even more precise later, because our task is to honor the mandate of many voters who have given us their preference by entrusting us with the task of clarifying the actions of those who govern us”.

Pine The Rock

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