treatments to relieve symptoms

According to the culturologist, music can alleviate the condition of a person suffering from dementia
A photo: Ilya Moskovets © URA.RU

In the Moscow boarding house for the elderly “Opeka” – “Krasnogorsky” guests are treated for dementia with the help of music. This was told by the culturologist of the center Victoria Mikhailova.

“Regular listening to music and simple physical exercises allow our wards to return to reality. After classes, there is an improvement in well-being: they can remember something from their youth or even the recent past, their orientation in space improves, ”explained the culturologist. Her words are quoted by the online publication “Moscow suburbs today.

According to the specialist, in her practice there were more than once cases when the right music had a positive effect on the well-being of the wards. For example, a 95-year-old man, following hearing a waltz, immediately perked up and began to dance.

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In the Moscow boarding house for the elderly “Opeka” – “Krasnogorsky” guests are treated for dementia with the help of music. This was told by the culturologist of the center Victoria Mikhailova. “Regular listening to music and simple physical exercises allow our wards to return to reality. After classes, there is an improvement in well-being: they can remember something from their youth or even the recent past, their orientation in space improves, ”explained the culturologist. Her words are quoted by the online publication “Moscow Region Today”. According to the specialist, in her practice there were more than once cases when the right music had a positive effect on the well-being of the wards. For example, a 95-year-old man, following hearing a waltz, immediately perked up and began to dance.



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