Treatments for otitis: how to treat it effectively?

2023-05-16 14:43:34

The otitis treatment varies depending on the type of otitis, its severity and the age of the patient. In the event of signs suggestive of otitis (such as pain in the ear or a clogged ear sensation, etc.), it is best to consult a doctor in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Different treatments depending on the type of otitis

Acute otitis media (AOM) and otitis externa are the most common forms of otitis. Serous otitis and barotrauma are special types of otitis without an infectious origin. Finally, internal otitis (or labyrinthitis) is encountered more rarely.

How to treat acute otitis media?

L’acute otitis media (OWN), is usually the consequence of a first episode of nasopharyngitis. It is recognized by the pain that “slaps” the ear (otalgia) and a decrease in hearing often accompanied by fever, and sometimes even dizziness or tinnitus.

In order to relieve these distressing symptoms such as pain and sometimes fever, it is advisable to take paracetamol. Better to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen without medical advice.

The use of antibiotics is not systematic if the otitis is congestive. Indeed, it is of viral origin in 90% of cases, so antibiotics are of no use. Usually the symptoms disappear within a week.

On the other hand, in the event of signs offorget the purulent (presence of thick purulent yellow or orange secretions in the outer canal of the ear) or severe symptoms of secondary bacterial infection (intense pain, fever, etc.), the doctor may choose to prescribe antibiotics. Most often it isamoxicillin sometimes toclavulanic acid if there is no allergy to penicillins. Well treated, this type of ear infection heals in less than 10 days. episodes ofrecurrent otitis media may also justify the prescription of a more powerful or low-dose antibiotic treatment, but for a longer duration.

If you suffer from nasopharyngitis associated with otitis, it is recommended to blow your nose regularly and of perform nose washes with saline regarding 6 times a day.

In case of fever, do not cover yourself too much and drink regularly.

Which drugs in case of otitis externa?

External otitis causes severe pain, itching and discharge from the ear. This is the famous “swimmer’s” ear infection, which is very common. It is the consequence of maceration in the external canal of the ear following swimming. It is therefore preferable to gently dry your ears following getting out of the water and to ensure that they do not remain wet. The risk is the same with repeated and inappropriate use of ear drops.

External otitis is caused by a bacterium or a fungus. The treatment includes antibiotic ear drops as well as application of a local antiseptic or antifungal. If the symptoms persist, the ENT may resort to incision and drainage of the infected part.

How to relieve serous otitis?

Serous otitis is not painful but it causes mild hearing loss due to the accumulation of fluid in the back of the eardrum. It is common in children and babies. Usually this type of otitis disappears without treatment in a few weeks to months (sometimes up to three months).

However, if the hearing loss is disabling and if the ENT doctor deems it necessary, treatment with paracentesis then by diabolo pose (also called “ yoyos ”) in the ear can be performed (especially in children). These small plastic tubes allow pus to drain naturally through the eardrum.

A intervention chirurgicale can also be considered in the case of chronic serous otitis, if the ENT doctor considers that the vegetations (adenoid glands) are too large and that they block the Eustachian tubes. This intervention consists in removing the vegetations (removal of vegetation) under general anesthesia.

Relieve pain in barotraumatic otitis

Barotraumatic otitis corresponds to a lesion of the tissues of the ear caused by a sudden variation in air pressure (while diving, on board an airplane, etc.).

Most often benign, it is treated with decongestants administered nasally and painkillers. Sometimes, when recovery is slow, the doctor may give corticosteroids in the form of nasal sprays or tablets.

Inner ear barotrauma can sometimes require surgery to prevent permanent hearing loss.

How to calm internal otitis (or labyrinthitis)?

It is a rare infection of the inner ear. It most often has a viral origin. Possible symptoms are hearing loss, dizziness, buzzing, nausea…

The treatment goes through repostakingantinausea and D’antivertigineux. Other treatments depend on the cause: antibiotics (in case of bacterial infection), antivirals (in case of viral cause), anti-inflammatory corticosteroids (in case of inflammatory origin). In addition, a intervention chirurgicale may also be necessary to evacuate an accumulation of pus in the vestibule or the petrous bone.

Paracetamol, ibuprofen…: how to calm pain and fever?

If you suffer from pain in the ear (otalgia) associated or not with a feverish state, the ideal is to take paracetamol, analgesic and antipyretic. It is better to avoid the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen without medical advice.

In the event of more intense or persistent pain, the prescription of a codeine-paracetamol combination may prove useful. Consulting a doctor is therefore essential.

Otitis: antibiotics are not always the solution

The use of antibiotics is far from being systematic in case of otitis. Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor only if there is a suspicion of a bacterial infection (most often once morest the background of diagnosed otitis media). Nevertheless, in infants, antibiotic therapy can be systematically initiated in order to eliminate any risk of infectious complications (meningitis and mastoiditis in particular).

What is the best antibiotic for an ear infection?

In general, we prescribe amoxicillin in first intention. Other antibiotics may be proposed depending on the case:

  • L’association amoxicillin + clavulanic acid if amoxicillin alone is not sufficient or if there are associated signs of conjunctivitis.
  • The cefpodoxime is used in case of allergy to penicillins.
  • The cotrimoxazole suitable in case of allergy to both penicillins and cephalosporins.
  • THE injections intramusculaires de ceftriaxone are reserved for people who are unable to take oral treatment.

In all cases, the dosage and duration of treatment should be respected.

Ear drops: what is their interest?

Ear drops, containing a local anesthetic, are sometimes prescribed to relieve pain in case of otitis of the external auditory canal of bacterial origin. Some ear solutions also contain an antibiotic and sometimes a corticosteroid.

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