Treatment center for minors: five oppositions |

The publication of the building application was concluded a few days ago, and it emerges that there are five objections filed by neighbors against the new building planned in via Lugano in Bellinzona to provide a temporary home for the Psychiatric Care Center for Minors. The temporary nature concerns the fact that the unit – equipped with ten stationary beds and another five semi-stationary – should ideally be inserted in the future into the Cantonal Pediatric Hospital planned in Saleggina during the next decade as an offshoot of the new Regional Hospital of Bellinzona wanted by the EOC.

The temporary headquarters, destined to be dismantled in the future, would be built on a tree-lined plot of land owned by the canton. The City Hall is responsible for issuing the building permit and is now waiting for a position from the Logistics Section. The City Hall is also called upon to respond to two interpellations by city councilor Michele Egloff (Unità di sinistra) who is critical of the felling of some trees necessary to make room for the building. Time is also running out, because the current mini-department of the Pediatrics and Psycho-Pediatrics Service of the Civic Hospital of Lugano will have to vacate the spaces by the end of 2025 due to the general renovation of the hospital tower.



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