Treating obesity with medication is possible!

2023-05-03 08:21:51

In the United States, clinical trials are being conducted to cure obesity with a drug. And the results are striking.

Around the world, obesity is a major concern. Today in France, it affects more than 8 million people, both adults and children. However, it is very difficult to treat this disease and lose weight.

Apart from a strict sports and diet program or very heavy operations, there is no drug treatment. To remedy this, researchers are working on alternative treatments. Recently, the hypothesis of a treatment by injections had been presented. But a revolution is underway in the United States.

The pharmaceutical laboratory Eli Lilly is currently conducting clinical trials on a drug thought to reduce obesity. Besides, the first results of these tests have been published and they are very encouraging.

Few side effects and significant weight loss in patients with obesity

The treatment in question is a medicine containing tirzepatide. However, this may come as a surprise because this molecule is generally used to treat type 2 diabetes. Nevertheless, Eli Lilly researchers wanted to test its effectiveness on a large panel of obese patients. In effect, tirzepatide acts as an appetite regulator. In fact, the researchers wanted to see if the molecule reduced the food cravings of the patients.

In total, more than 900 volunteers took part in these clinical trials. All had the commonality of being diabetic, obese or overweight. The volunteers took this treatment for 72 weeks, or more than a year and a half. Then their weight was compared with the weighing before the start of the test. And it turns out that in some volunteers, the treatment was very effective.

Several dosages of tirzepatide have been tested. And in those whose dosage was the most important, weight loss of up to almost 16 kilos have been recorded. While the researchers also expected side effects in the volunteers, they remained infrequent. It was usually regarding mild intestinal problems such as diarrhea, nausea…

Is it possible to see this drug being prescribed in France one day?

Currently, the drug is still in clinical trials in the United States. And even if the results are promising, bringing this treatment to market may still take time. The market may be promising, but it is currently still very limited.

Indeed, it must be ensured that the drug does not represent any danger for the patients. Then, it must be accessible. However, in the United States, similar treatments cost around 1,000 dollars per month without coverage by health insurance.

In France, the arrival of the drug on the market might be possible. In effect, a medicinal product containing tirzepatide has been authorized for sale current 2022. There is therefore a hope of seeing it arrive in French pharmacies. However, it is currently impossible to say when.

#Treating #obesity #medication



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