Treating Depression Naturally: The Power of Food and Medicine

2023-10-12 23:00:00

Depression is caused by an abnormality in the part of the brain that affects thoughts, emotions, feelings, behavior, and physical health. which in fact Depression is a disease caused by an imbalance of three neurotransmitters: serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Therefore, it is necessary to receive treatment from a psychiatrist. Because in addition to having to be treated correctly You may also need to use medicine for treatment. In addition to medicine, food is also important. Suggesting foods to enhance the effectiveness of medicines

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Food groups that help treat depression

Food groups that contain healthy fatty acids can help reduce symptoms of depression. Omega 3 includes various fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna, snakehead fish, catfish, white fish, etc. Eggs, which contain important amino acids Especially tryptophan and tyrosine are antioxidants. Tryptophan helps create serotonin. (Serotonin) makes you feel good. and also converted into melatonin (Melatonin) helps to sleep better. banana group It contains the mineral potassium and tryptophan. Helps relieve blood pressure and return to a calm state. Reduce the occurrence of stress and anxiety. complex carbohydrate group Such as brown rice, millet, corn, dried beans, etc., they will help create serotonin in the brain. Helps to relax All types of mushroom groups It is high in the element selenium (Celenium), which helps stimulate the hormones of happiness and reduce moodiness. Butterfly pea juice Butterfly pea flowers contain anthocyanin. Has a memory stimulating effect Helps relieve stress. Reduces anxiety and helps sleep Longan juice Contains 2 types of substances: gallic acid, which makes you feel good and relaxed, and GABA, which helps relieve stress. and helps you sleep better

Food for schizophrenia Should be eaten and avoided to help calm the mind and relax.

Food groups that depressed patients are prohibited from eating

Foods that are high in sugar, very sweet Due to foods that are high in sugar The body will absorb it faster than normal. As a result, blood sugar levels quickly rise. Causing the body to be in a state of stress If faced regularly, it may lead to depression. Sausage food and broad beans which has a high content of tyramine Can interact with certain antidepressants such as selegiline, resulting in high blood pressure. Tea-Coffee Due to the high caffeine content cause insomnia restless If you drink more than 2 glasses per day, it will cause the amount of caffeine in your body to be high. cause anxiety Heart palpitations and increased stress soft drink Because it has both high caffeine and sugar content. Including black and diet soft drinks. There is research from neurology educational institutions abroad that found that People who consume 4 cans or 4 glasses of beverages containing sugar substitutes per day have a 3 times higher risk of depression than normal people. It is best for depressed patients to avoid drinking. certain types of fruit juiceFor example, citrus juice, passion fruit, grape or grapefruit juice, etc., may interact with medicines used for treatment. causing the drug to not be as effective in treating it as it should

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In addition, you should take care of yourself to be healthy. Whether it’s exercise Get enough rest and sleep. Eat healthy food Do not use drugs, drink alcohol, smoke, and get a health check at least once a year and should find time to go out and do fun activities. Don’t be stressed or overworked. Do not go into situations or see bad news that makes you depressed. If medicine is used to treat any disease You should not stop taking the medicine yourself. Especially if you are treating a psychiatric disorder, you should take medicine as prescribed by your doctor. Do not miss or stop taking the medicine yourself at all!

Thank you for information from: Phyathai Hospital and Thai Health Promotion Foundation

Picture from: shutterstock

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