Treasury for sale of bonds “Saving Permsuk” with a limit of 55,000 million baht, adding savings-investment options : InfoQuest

Ms. Patricia Mongkolvanich, director of the Public Debt Management Office (Sorbor.) revealed that the Ministry of Finance is preparing to sell savings bonds. Savings model, permsuk, fiscal year 2022, budget of 55,000 million baht, through 2 channels, namely, distribution through wallets, SorKor. namely Krung Thai Bank, Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial Bank and Kasikorn Bank with a limit of 45,000 million baht

“In the past few months Thai bond market including assets in all markets around the world Affected by volatility and concerns from the global situation, SAO offered to sell savings bonds, which are safe assets. as an alternative to saving investments and adjust investment portfolios for investors, selling 2 age models, with an initial interest rate of 2.50% per annum, which investors will have regular income from interest And get the principal back when it’s due … which the money raised It will be used to offset the budget deficit.” Ms Patricia said

for the sale of bonds Through the wallet of SBOBET, the amount of 10,000 million baht will be released in 2 versions, namely the 5-year model with an average ladder interest rate of 2.90% per year, the 1-2th year, the interest rate is 2.50%, the 3-4th year interest rate. 3% for the 5th year, the interest rate is 3.50%, for the 10 year model, the average stepped interest rate is 3.60% per annum, for the 1-2th year, the interest rate is 2.50%, the 3rd-6th year, the interest rate is 3.50%, the 7-8th year is the interest rate. 4% and year 9-10 at an interest rate of 4.50%, with interest paid every 3 months.

Sale starts from 13 June-30 June 65 or until the credit limit is reached. It is sold to natural persons holding Thai nationality aged 15 years and over with a minimum purchase limit of 100 baht/person and a purchase limit of no more than 10 million baht/person.

As for the sale of bonds through 4 representative banks, the amount of 45 billion baht will be released in 2 versions as well, namely the 5-year model, the average interest rate is stepped at 2.90% per year, the 1-2nd year, the interest rate is 2.50%, the 3-4th year. Interest rate 3%, 5th year, 3.50% interest rate, 10 year model, average stepped interest rate 3.60%, year 1-2 interest rate 2.50%, 3rd-6th year interest rate 3.50%, years 7-8 interest rate. 4% and year 9-10 interest rate 4.50%

It will be sold in 2 periods as follows:

– Phase 1 (15-19 June 65) with a limit of 40 billion baht, available for sale to the general public which can be purchased not more than 10 million baht, sold in 2 models, namely the 5-year model with an average stepped interest rate of 2.90% per year and the 10-year model with an average stepped interest rate of 3.60% per year, paying interest every 3 months. through Counter Internet Banking and Mobile Banking channels of all 4 dealer banks

– Phase 2 (20-30 June 65) sold to the public and non-profit juristic persons as prescribed by the Ministry of Finance Unlimited purchase limit by selling to the public in the remaining amount from the 1st period with the same age and condition and sold to a non-profit juristic person as prescribed by the Ministry of Finance, a limit of 5,000 million baht, a 10-year model, a laddered interest rate of 3.30% per year, paying interest every 6 months, in which this distribution cycle has added a condominium juristic person and the housing estate juristic person is also eligible to purchase It will consider being a person who has the right to buy from the juristic person’s regulations registered with the Land Department or the district office. and other documents related

“Limits sold on SCB wallet and dealer banks will not be counted together, so investors can invest in both channels and the Ministry of Finance can increase/decrease the amount of both models sold through dealer banks. as appropriate.” Director of SAO said.

By InfoQuest News Agency (30 May 65)

Tags: Ministry of Finance, bond, Sorbon., Public Debt Management Office, Saving more happiness, Patricia Mongkolvanich

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