Travel permit for minors with a parent abroad

In order for a minor to be able to travel to exterior with one of its representatives, the authorization of the other representative is required.

In 2001, I consulted with a lawyer to find out how the process is done, the requirements and the cost.

Attorney Vestalia Tovar said that talking about processing a permit for a minor is a very sensitive issue in Venezuela.

The Autonomous Service of Registries and Notaries (Saren) granted the Courts for the Protection of Children and Adolescents the authority to process the minor’s permission through the aforementioned courts.

Tovar pointed out that when talking about a permit to travel to exterioryou must start from the parents’ address and the children’s address.

“In the case that the parents are outside the national territory and the children are in Venezuela because they left them with a grandmother, an aunt, or a neighbor in Family Placement, the important thing is that these third parties have their Family Placement,” he explained.

If one of the parents is abroad

Tovar explained that the parents of the minor are summoned through telematic hearings, regardless of whether the father is in the US, the mother in another country, and the children in Venezuela with third parties; if the minor’s permission is required before the Court of Protection.

He stressed that if the mother is in Venezuela with the children, there is no problem. The mother must request permission from a Protection Court.

In addition, you must indicate the email address and address of the father in the exteriorand his cell phone.

The trial judge proceeds to call him by telephone to authorize the minor’s permission or departure.

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“It is important that at the time the minor’s permit is processed before the Protection Courts, there must be an itinerary for the minor to and from Venezuela,” he stressed.

He stressed that many times this is a modus operandi of parents to take children out to the exterior and they do not return to Venezuela.

A permit issued by the Protection Councils is not valid for use outside.

He clarified that while it is true that the Councils for the Protection of Children and Adolescents are authorized to allow parents to request permission for minors extraterritorially, at the airport they return people.

“This is because the Protection Council only has authority in administrative matters, while in a Protection Court the permit has the character of a public document,” he said.

He explained that this public document is a court ruling that the father or mother can show at the airport and there will be no problems.

Tovar stressed that the Saren resolution of July 2019 and the jurisprudence of the Social Cassation Chamber of the same year, only authorize the Courts for the Protection of Children and Adolescents to process the minor’s permit.

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He stressed that in the case of children who will travel within the national territory, if they go with their mother for example, they can do so without any problem.

If you are traveling within the country with a third party, such as an aunt, grandmother, brother, or neighbor, you must request permission for the minor from the Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, where the minor is domiciled, in his or her parish.

Permit Requirements and Costs

The requirements to obtain the permit are the passport of the minor and of the parents, if the trip is abroad, and if traveling only with the mother, a copy of the passport of both, Tovar explained.

Also, the original birth certificate, if the minor is over nine years old, a photocopy of the identity card, and tickets with the itinerary.

If the permission is amicable between the parents, it costs $300, when it is contentious, it costs from $500 to $600 up to $1000, everything depends on the phase that it reaches; the procedure for Boys, Girls and Adolescents takes place in the mediation and substantiation phases; and the trial phase, which is the final sentence.

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#Travel #permit #minors #parent
2024-08-23 16:49:02



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