“Travel Expenses of Peruvian Congressmen: A Breakdown of Spending on International Trips”

2023-05-03 22:35:40

They are Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu, Ernesto Bustamante and Luis Cordero Jon Tay (Popular Force); María del Carmen Alva and Wilson Soto (Popular Action); José Cueto and Jorge Zeballos (Popular Renewal); Esdras Medina (We are Peru); Edgar Tello and Alex Paredes (Teachers’ Block); Américo Gonza (Free Peru); Norma Yarrow (Avanza País) and Edward Málaga (not grouped).

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According to the Parliamentary Transparency portal, these legislators spent between S/.1,185 and S/20,000 in travel expenses on their visits to different countries.

The congressman who spent the largest amounts of money was Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu. For example, for his trips to the United States and Italy, Congress disbursed more than 38,000 soles, not including airfare. The Fuerza Popular legislator made both tours together with his adviser Mariciel Navarro.

Lizarzaburu and his collaborator traveled to the United States from January 17 to 22 and between the two of them received 20,592 soles in travel expenses, that is, in six days they both spent 3,432 soles.

The Fujimori parliamentarian left the country once more together with his adviser in mid-February, this time heading to Italy. His permanence in the European country cost the State S / 18,169.79.

His colleague Ernesto Bustamante also registers high travel expenses. During his time in the US and Bahrain, he spent a total of S / .19,964.22. The last destination was also attended by legislators Wilson Soto, Maricarmen Alva and Alex Paredes. This trip was made between March 9 and 16, when Cyclone Yaku was already causing terrible effects in various areas of the country.

The per diems for Alva’s visit to the Middle Eastern country add up to S/. 3,525.01, while Bustamante, Soto and Paredes received S/.13,249.22, S/.8,898.06 and S/.7,802.44, respectively.

Travel expenses paid by Congress
parliamentarian Bench Destiny Date Monto S/. Spending per day S/.
Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu and his adviser people force USA January 17 to 22 20,592 3432
Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu and his adviser people force Italia February 18 to 26 18,169.79 2018.86
Ernest Bustamante people force USA February 12 to 15 6715 1678
Ernest Bustamante people force Barein March 9 to 16 13,249.22 1656.15
Ezra Medina we are peru Panama March 5 to 7 3655.9 1218.6
Edgar Tello Magisterial Block Germany February 13 to 18 6099.98 1016.66
Wilson Soto AP Barein March 9 to 16 8898.06 1112.25
Americo Gonza Free Peru Ginebra January 24 to 26 3033.03 1011.01
Edward Málaga not grouped Chile January 16 to 21 5982.57 997.1
Alex Paredes Magisterial Block Barein March 9 to 16 7802.44 975.3
louis cordero people force Panama February 23 to 25 2662.06 887.35
Norma Yarrow Advance Country Panama March 6 to 8 1866.11 622.03
Jorge Zeballos popular renewal USA February 19 to 26 3804.37 475.54
Maria Del Carmen Alva AP Barein March 9 to 16 3525.01 440.626
Jose Cueto popular renewal Panama February 22 to 24 1185.99 395.33


This newspaper unsuccessfully tried to contact congressmen Lizarzaburu, Bustamante, Medina, Tello, Soto, Paredes, Gonza and Málaga in order to find out the details of the expenses they made abroad. We are also looking for Pablo Noriega, general director of Administration of the Legislative Power. From his office they told us that they would answer our queries through the Transparency Portal. At the close of this edition, the answer had not arrived.

It is important to mention that the Legislative Branch still does not make transparent the information on the trips made by parliamentarians in the month of April. We turned to the second vice president of Congress, Silvia Monteza, to request the list of legislators who traveled in said month; however, from her office they also referred us to the Transparency Portal.


Suspended trips

  • In March, Congress reported that, while the state of emergency declared due to the heavy rains in various regions of the country lasts, the trips of parliamentarians to international events are suspended for a period of 60 days.
  • The measure was taken by the Board of Directors, in its session held on March 13, following the suggestion of the second vice president of Congress, Silvia Monteza (Popular Action).

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The specialist in parliamentary issues Alejandro Rospigliosi explained to El Comercio that Congress has a scale, which was approved several years ago by the Board of Directors, which details the amounts for travel expenses that legislators can receive according to the destination let them go

Rospigliosi pointed out that all expenses must be proven through payment vouchers and, if they do not have them, only up to 30% can be justified with an affidavit. In the opinion of the specialist, the ideal is that, if there is no official evidence of disbursement, the money is returned.

“[Los gastos en los viajes] They must be done with prudence and austerity, they are public resources”, express.

The specialist gave the case of Bahrain as an example. “If a congressman was able to perform adequately by spending 400 soles of per diem, others can do the same. That means that the travel stopover directive can be adjusted for times of austerity,” he also said.

Rospigliosi described as “a scandal” the case of parliamentarian Lizarzaburu, who represents Peruvians abroad and together with his adviser have spent more than 38,000 soles in travel expenses. “I should do virtual work in performance week,” he argued.

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On the other hand, Samuel Rotta, deputy executive director of Proética, pointed out that it is “important to bear in mind that the work of parliamentary representation is very different from that of a person who travels for a company.”

“There may be cases where you have to spend more than the average because you have to meet with senior officials from other governments, etc. These are situations that must occur, the important thing is accountability ”, stressed.

Rotta also stressed that there must be “greater transparency towards the public” by the Legislative Branch and that representation expenses must be accompanied by the agenda that parliamentarians are promoting.

“Accountability must be visible so that there is scrutiny and prevent abuse,” concluded.


Lizarzaburu case

  • In February, El Comercio revealed that Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu is among the congressmen who record the most trips abroad paid by the State in the period August, October, November and December 2022. PFor example, he moved to Spain, Ecuador and the United States between August and December. Almost one trip per month for a total of S/49,239.21, between tickets and per diem.
  • In communication with this newspaper, the Fujimori parliamentarian indicated that these trips were part of the representation week, because he was elected by Peruvians residing abroad. In Valencia he met with the members of the chamber of commerce of that Spanish city, in order to strengthen business collaboration.

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