Trapped in the Social Media Maze: Exploring the Origins of Digital Addiction – Podcast

The current episode of “Aha! Ten Minutes of Everyday Knowledge” is about media-related disorders in adolescents – and how these can be treated with a digital training program. Kerstin Paschke, child and adolescent psychiatrist at the German Center for Child and Adolescent Addiction Issues, is leading a research project on an app that supports young people in the conscious use of digital media.

Find out more in the podcast here:

The training via app is aimed specifically at young people, as they are particularly susceptible to Media addictionLink opens in a new tab Due to their developmental stage and the receptivity of their reward system, they react sensitively to content in social networks. This can quickly lead to problematic use, they lose control and neglect social contacts and obligations.

How training supports young people – and adults too

The digital trainingLink will open in a new tab includes several elements. Those affected log their media usage in order to develop a better awareness of their behavior. They should not only record how much time they spend online, but also which activities in the real world they may be neglecting – such as sleeping, eating or friends.

The program also promotes social skills. Young people learn to become more confident in interpersonal relationships and to better deal with stress and emotional challenges. The goal is to restore the balance between the real and digital world.

Although the program was developed for young people, there are plans to adapt it for adults. The basic principles of the app – raising awareness of one’s own media behavior and improving control over it – could also be effective for older target groups, believes child and adolescent psychiatrist Kerstin Paschke. After all, adults should also use Instagram and Co. consciously.

This summary was created using AI from the transcript of our science podcast.

From now on there are even more “Aha!” at Apple PodcastsLink will open in a new tab and exclusive here for WELT subscribers:

“Aha! Ten minutes of everyday knowledge” is WELT’s science podcast. In it, we clarify what widespread myths are all about. And which of them you can really believe. Does a counter beer ease a hangover? And does a cold shower toughen you up? What is really true – and what isn’t?

We also get to the bottom of psychological phenomena: the fear of missing out, for example. Or the question: why do we talk in our sleep? To answer all these questions, we talk to experts who help us understand the world even better. Based on facts and the latest research – and all in just ten minutes.

“Aha! Ten minutes of everyday knowledge” appears every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5 a.m. We look forward to receiving feedback at

How can digital training programs help adolescents with media-related disorders?

Here is a comprehensive‍ and ‌SEO-optimized article ⁣based on the provided text:

Media-Related ‍Disorders in Adolescents: Can Digital Training​ Programs Help?

In the latest episode of ‍”Aha! Ten Minutes of ​Everyday Knowledge,” ‌child and adolescent​ psychiatrist‍ Kerstin Paschke sheds light on ⁣media-related disorders⁢ in adolescents and how‍ a ‌digital training program can​ help treat these issues. As the leader of a ⁢research⁤ project at the German Center for Child and Adolescent Addiction ⁤Issues, ‍Paschke has ‌developed​ an app that supports ​young people ⁣in‍ the conscious use of⁢ digital media.

The Risks of Media Addiction

Adolescents ⁤are⁤ particularly‌ susceptible to media addiction due to​ their ‍developmental ⁤stage and the receptivity of​ their reward‍ system. ‍They‌ react sensitively to content ‍on social networks, which can quickly lead ⁣to problematic use, neglect of social contacts and ‌obligations, and loss of ⁢control.

How Digital Training Can Help

The digital ‌training program includes several‍ elements designed to⁣ support young people in developing a healthier relationship with digital media. Participants log their media ‌usage to increase awareness of their behavior and⁣ identify areas where they may be neglecting important aspects‍ of ⁤their ‌lives,⁢ such as sleep, eating, or​ socializing.

In addition‌ to raising awareness, the program also⁢ promotes social skills, teaching young people to become more confident in interpersonal relationships and better equipped to deal​ with stress and emotional challenges. The ultimate goal is to restore the balance between the real ⁣and ‍digital⁤ worlds.

A ⁣Solution for Adults Too?

While the⁢ program was initially⁢ developed⁢ for adolescents, ⁤Paschke believes​ that ​the basic principles of the app – raising awareness of one’s own media behavior and improving control over it ‌– could also ‌be effective for⁤ adults. Adults, too, should use digital media consciously, and the‌ training program’s approach could be⁤ adapted to support them in doing⁤ so.

Listen ‌to the Full Episode

To learn more about media-related ⁤disorders ‍in adolescents​ and ⁢the digital ⁢training program,‌ listen to the full episode​ of “Aha!⁤ Ten⁢ Minutes of Everyday Knowledge” [link to podcast].

Stay Up-to-Date with “Aha!”

“Aha! Ten Minutes of Everyday‍ Knowledge” is WELT’s science podcast, dedicated to clarifying ​widespread myths‍ and exploring the latest research ⁤in various fields. Catch up on previous episodes and stay tuned for more exciting topics [link to Apple Podcasts and exclusive content for WELT subscribers].

Keywords: ⁤ media-related disorders, adolescents,​ digital training program, ⁣media ⁤addiction, conscious ⁣media use,‌ social skills, stress management, emotional challenges, ​balance ⁤between‌ real and ⁤digital worlds.

Meta ​Description: ‌ Learn how a digital training program can help adolescents overcome ⁢media-related disorders ⁣and⁣ develop a healthier relationship with digital media. Listen to the⁢ latest episode ‍of “Aha! Ten Minutes of​ Everyday⁢ Knowledge” for more insights.

Header Tags:

H1:⁢ Media-Related Disorders in Adolescents: Can Digital Training Programs ⁣Help?

​ H2: The Risks of ⁤Media Addiction

H2: How Digital ⁢Training Can Help

H2: A Solution for Adults Too?

H2: Listen to the ‍Full Episode

H2: Stay Up-to-Date with‌ “Aha!”

Real lives.

The Digital Dilemma: How a Training Program Can Help Adolescents with Media-Related Disorders

In today’s digital age, the impact of social media on adolescents’ mental health has become a pressing concern. The latest episode of “Aha! Ten Minutes of Everyday Knowledge” sheds light on media-related disorders in adolescents and explores how a digital training program can provide a solution.

The Rise of Media Addiction in Adolescents

Adolescents are particularly susceptible to media addiction due to their developmental stage and the receptivity of their reward system. They react sensitively to content in social networks, which can quickly lead to problematic use, loss of control, and neglect of social contacts and obligations. A digital training program aims to support young people in developing a conscious approach to digital media, teaching them to recognize the warning signs of media addiction and take control of their media behavior.

How Training Supports Young People – and Adults Too

The digital training program, led by child and adolescent psychiatrist Kerstin Paschke, includes several key elements. Participants log their media usage to develop a better awareness of their behavior, recording not only the time spent online but also the activities they may be neglecting in the real world, such as sleeping, eating, or socializing with friends. The program also promotes social skills, teaching young people to become more confident in interpersonal relationships and better cope with stress and emotional challenges. The ultimate goal is to restore the balance between the real and digital worlds.

Expanding the Scope: Adults Can Benefit Too

While the program was initially designed for young people, there are plans to adapt it for adults. The underlying principles of raising awareness of one’s own media behavior and improving control over it can be effective for older target groups as well. Adults, too, can benefit from a more conscious approach to social media use, ensuring they maintain a healthy balance between their digital and real lives.

How Can Digital Training Programs Help Adolescents with Media-Related Disorders?

Digital training programs can offer a range of benefits for adolescents struggling with media-related disorders. By:

Raising awareness of media behavior and its impact on daily life

Teaching social skills and emotional intelligence

Encouraging a balanced use of digital media

Providing a supportive community for those struggling with media addiction

These programs can empower young people to take control of their media use, develop healthier habits, and improve their overall well-being.

The Future of Digital Training Programs

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of digital training programs will only grow. By investing in these initiatives, we can equip adolescents and adults alike with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complex world of social media and maintain a healthy balance between their digital and



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