Transport Unions Demand Action: Outrage Erupts Over Fuel Subsidy Reductions in Letter to Akhannouch


The National Coordination of Road Transport Trade Unions wrote to the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, asking him to restore fuel subsidies allocated to professionals.

The coordination committee stated that “the sector is now experiencing difficult conditions that it has never witnessed before, which have been exacerbated by the tremendous rise in fuel prices, in light of the irregularity of the support approved by the government at the beginning of 2022, to mitigate the impact of this on professionals.”

The same coordination denounced the suspension of support several times without an acceptable justification, noting that professionals only benefited from three payments this year, the last of which was in May, while some of them who have files and problems remaining from previous payments are still waiting impatiently for them to be resolved.

Road freight transport professionals reported in their correspondence that the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of the Budget, Fouzi Lekjaa, had pledged during the meeting chaired by the Minister of Transport and Logistics, in the presence of professionals and held on March 14, 2022 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, that support would continue as long as the price of fuel remained above the 10 dirham barrier.

Accordingly, professionals in the sector called on the Prime Minister to give orders to open a follow-up portal for professionals to register for the 17th batch, while ensuring that this is done regularly at the beginning of each month, in order to preserve the fragile social peace in this important sector.

The professionals concluded that the signs of congestion looming over the sector portend a social crisis, calling for a cap on diesel prices, or the approval of a professional one to confront the fluctuations in the fuel market, and the activation of the memoranda that were previously agreed upon between the five-party coordination of the transport sector and the Ministry of the Interior in April 2022.

#Halting #fuel #subsidies #angers #transport #unions #writes #Akhannouch
2024-09-14 07:27:31

What are the common uses of the HTML `

` element?

I apologize, but the content you provided appears to‍ be unrelated to the HTML

element.⁢ Here’s a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of


The Ultimate Guide to the HTML ⁣



element‌ is one ⁣of the most widely used elements in HTML, playing a⁤ crucial role in structuring and organizing content on web pages. In this article, we’ll delve⁤ into the world of

, exploring its definition, uses, ⁢benefits, and ⁤best practices for ​implementation.

What is the



​element ⁣is a ⁣generic container element in HTML,​ used to‍ group together other HTML elements⁢ and apply styles, attributes, or behaviors to them. It is a block-level element, meaning it begins on a new line and takes ⁤up the full width⁢ available,‍ unless its width is explicitly set.

Uses of the



element has numerous uses, including:

  1. Content grouping: To group together elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, and lists, making it ⁤easier to control their layout‍ and‍ design.
  2. Styling and layout: To apply CSS styles,‍ such as ⁣backgrounds, borders, padding, and margins, to a ‌group of elements.
  3. Semantic meaning: To provide a way to add semantic meaning to a group of elements, helping search engines and screen readers understand the structure of ⁤the content.
  4. JavaScript manipulation: To create dynamic content or interactive elements, such ⁤as accordions, ‍tabs,⁤ or sliders, using JavaScript.

Benefits of ⁣using the


  1. Flexibility: The
    element can be used to ⁤create a wide range‍ of layouts and designs, making it a versatile tool in web development.
  2. Easy styling:‌ With ‍CSS, ‌you can easily style the
    element and its ‌contents, allowing for quick and efficient design updates.
  3. Improved accessibility:‍ By providing a way to group related elements together, the
    element helps improve ⁢the accessibility of web ​pages for users with disabilities.
  4. Better‌ search engine optimization (SEO): By using the
    element to structure content, you‍ can improve​ the SEO ⁣of your ⁢web page, as search ⁤engines can‍ better understand the organization of your content.

Best practices for using the


  1. Use it sparingly: Avoid overusing‍ the
    element, as ‍it can lead to an overly⁢ complex and bloated HTML structure.
  2. Use semantic HTML elements: Where possible, use semantic HTML elements, such as

  3. Use meaningful class names: When using the
    element, use meaningful class names ⁣to identify the ⁣purpose of the element and its contents.
  4. Avoid​ using
    for styling only:⁢ Instead of using⁢ the

    ‌ element solely for styling purposes, use CSS classes or other styling methods to minimize ⁣unnecessary HTML elements.

Common mistakes to avoid

  1. Using
    as a substitute for semantic ​HTML elements: Avoid using

    as a replacement for semantic HTML elements, such as⁤


    , or

  2. Over-nesting
    elements: Try to minimize⁢ the nesting ​of

    ⁢elements, as it can ⁣lead⁢ to an overly complex HTML ​structure.
  3. Using ‌
    without a clear ⁤purpose: Ensure that each

    ‍ element has a clear purpose and meaning, and is not used as a placeholder or filler element.



element is a powerful and versatile tool ⁤in HTML, used to group together elements and apply ⁤styles, attributes, or behaviors to them. By understanding its uses, benefits, and‍ best practices, you⁤ can effectively use⁣ the

element to create well-structured, accessible, and SEO-friendly web pages.

Keyword optimization

The following keywords have been optimized for this article:



Uses of

Benefits of

​ Best practices for using

Common mistakes to avoid with

Semantic HTML elements

CSS styling

Web development


* SEO optimization

– What are the main uses of the HTML `

` element?

I apologize, but the content you provided appears to be unrelated to the HTML

element. Here’s a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of


The Ultimate Guide to the HTML



element is one of the most widely used elements in HTML, playing a crucial role in structuring and organizing content on web pages. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of

, exploring its definition, uses, benefits, and best practices for implementation.

What is the



element is a generic container element in HTML, used to group together other HTML elements and apply styles, attributes, or behaviors to them. It is a block-level element, meaning it begins on a new line and takes up the full width available, unless its width is explicitly set.

Uses of the



element has numerous uses, including:

  1. Content grouping: To group together elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, and lists to create a logical section of content.
  2. Layout and styling: To apply CSS styles, such as borders, backgrounds, and padding, to a group of elements.
  3. Semantic meaning: To provide a way to add semantic meaning to a group of elements, such as identifying a section of content as a header, footer, or navigation menu.
  4. JavaScript manipulation: To provide a hook for JavaScript to manipulate the content or behavior of a group of elements.
  5. Accessibility: To provide a way to improve the accessibility of a web page by grouping elements together to create a logical reading order.

Benefits of using the


  1. Flexibility: The
    element can be used to group together any type of HTML element, making it a versatile and flexible tool.
  2. Easy styling: The
    element makes it easy to apply CSS styles to a group of elements, allowing for efficient and consistent styling.
  3. Improved accessibility: By grouping elements together, the
    element can help improve the accessibility of a web page by creating a logical reading order.
  4. Simplified JavaScript manipulation: The
    element provides a convenient hook for JavaScript to manipulate the content or behavior of a group of elements.

Best practices for using the


  1. Use
    elements sparingly: Avoid using too many

    elements, as they can make the HTML code cumbersome and harder to read.
  2. Use meaningful class names: Use meaningful class names to identify the purpose of the
    element, such as .header, .footer, or .nav.
  3. Avoid using
    elements for semantic meaning: Instead, use HTML5 semantic elements, such as



  4. Use CSS to style
    elements: Use CSS to apply styles to

    elements, rather than relying on inline styles or presentational HTML elements.



element is a powerful and flexible tool in the HTML toolkit, allowing developers to group together elements and apply styles, attributes, or behaviors to them. By following best practices and using the

element judiciously, developers can create well-structured, accessible, and maintainable web pages.



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