‘Translucent globs’ have been discovered on the Moon

The Yutu 2 rover had already discovered a mysterious glowing gel and a strange cube on the Moon since arriving in January in 2019. In both cases, they were only stones, but this time, the rover of the mission Chang’e 4 has spotted “translucent cells”. We learn of this discovery in a study, which was published on Saturday in the journal Science Bulletin.

On the images, admittedly blurred, we guess small spheres, which look like marbles, as if resting on the dusty surface of the far side of the moon. We learn, in a press release, that it was the panoramic camera of Yutu 2 which made it possible to see these spheres which had never been seen on the Moon in this form. Unfortunately, the rover only passed by, he did not analyze these globules to learn more regarding their composition. “Two translucent vitreous globules are recognized along the course (of Yutu 2), can we read in Science Bulletin. No compositional data was obtained for these globules, but their particular morphology and their local context suggest thatit is most likely impact glass“, write the authors of the study. This analysis might make it possible to understand the story of the first impacts on the Moon. Researchers hope and believe that these structures are common on this side of the Moon. Indeed since 2019, the rover has only traveled 700 meters, which leaves room for hope.

Scientists point out that this type of ball is “ubiquitous in lunar regolith (the layer of dust on the surface) and that volcanism and very high velocity impacts are the main mechanisms of (their) formation.” They were still surprised to find these spheres in the Yutu exploration area 2. Similar “globules” had been found by astronauts of Apollobut they would be more opaque and dark.

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