Translational Medicine Symposium: New Challenges and Opportunities in Research to Solve Priority Health Problems

2023-10-09 12:30:00

Also because directed and trained doctoral students, master’s students, postdoctoral fellows and professors contributing to the training of human resources in several countries.

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At the request of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, the rector of UNCuyo, Esther Sanchez will grant him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa (Resolution) on Thursday at 5:30 p.m., in the Gustavo Kent auditorium of the University Hospital. (Paso de los Andes 3051, City).


At the end of the ceremony, the academic will offer the keynote lecture “Towards a cellular biology of Alzheimer’s disease: from cholesterol to synapses”.

The recognition will be carried out in the context of the Third Translational Medicine Symposium, in which Südhof will participate with a talk on the topic that earned him his Nobel Prize.

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About the Symposium

The meeting, which will take place on Thursday, October 12—from 8 a.m.—at the University Hospital, proposes the presentation and discussion of new challenges in the approach to infectious, cardiovascular, oncological, metabolic and neurological diseases.

Recognized speakers and internationally renowned professionals from Argentina and Germany will attend, all experts in the field of Translational Medicine, who will present new challenges and opportunities in research to solve priority health problems.

During the day, the oral defense of proposals for a research work competition will take place, an initiative that aims to promote the work of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as young researchers who undertake research actions in the field of health with the idea of ​​making their work visible in an international context.

Advanced students, professionals and researchers from private and public fields of health sciences may participate, who venture into the search for harmonizing and associating research in basic sciences with the practice of medicine in patients.

Organize the UNCuyo Faculty of Medical Sciences Next to the Arturo Jauretche National University, Guest Foundation and the Faculty of Medicine, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburgfrom Germany.

Registration and schedule of activities, here.

Who Thomas Christian Südhof


He was a student at the University of Aachen, at Harvard University in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA) and at the University of Göttingen. He completed a postdoc at the Max/Planck-Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie in Göttingen (Germany) and at the Dept. of Molecular Genetics, UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. USES. His early career was focused on exocytosis granules and, later, on the multiple functions of synapses in animals and humans. He is interested in the mechanisms of synapses in the brain: how their properties are specified and how they achieve the rapid and precise signaling essential for information processing. In 2013, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine along with James Rothman and Randy Schekman, for their scientific contribution on the identification of the vesicular transport machinery and its participation in the process of neuroendocrine exocytosis. He received multiple international recognitions such as the US National Academy Award in Molecular Biology, Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Neuroscience Research, Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, La Grande Médaille de la Ville de Paris Échelon Vermeil and the Pericles Prize from the Pericles International Academy, among others. He is part of numerous international scientific societies and academies in the USA, Norway, Germany, Great Britain and the European Union. He published numerous articles and research papers and participated as editor and member of editorial boards of high-impact scientific journals.

Other Honoris Causa of the house of studies

Among the writers, scientists, rulers, artists and outstanding personalities honored by the National University of Cuyo with this award, we can mention Mikhail Gorbachev, Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Draghi Star, Liliana Bodoc, Adolph Perez Esquivel, Rene Favaloro, Antonio Di Benedetto, Adolph Bioy Casares, Mercedes Sosa, Gustavo Santaolalla, Estela de Carlotto, Noah Jitrik, Eduardo Galeano, Evo Morales, Leonardo Favio , Baltazar Garzon, Luis Scaffati, Teun Van Dijk, Brazilian President Inacio Lula de Silva.

The political scientist is also added to the list Atilio Boronthe dramatist Aristides Vargasthe Spanish historian Flocel Sabaté Currullthe jurist Luigi Ferrajoli, Oscar Oszlakthe French psychomotorist Bernard Aucouturierthe Spanish psychologist Cristina Jenaro Ríosthe specialist in Medieval Philosophy Carol Harrisonthe writer Angelica Gorodischerthe president of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay Tabaré Ramón Vázquez Rosasthe plastic artist from Mendoza Julio Le Parcthe psychomotor expert Agnes Szantothe international feminist reference Silvia Federicithe Mendoza musician and composer Damian Sanchezthe philosopher Enrique Dusselthe French specialist in Human Rights, Laurence Burgorgue-Larsenthe American biologist Philip Stahlthe prestigious cartoonist, Joaquín Lavado Quinothe anthropologist and female activist Rita Segatothe Doctor in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Leuven, Natalio Botanathe philosopher Jean-Luc Nancythe biologist Russel Reiterthe Mendoza nephrologist Jorge Cannata Andía and the writer Ruth Amossythe latter among the most recent.

Fuente: UNCuyo Press

#UNCuyo #give #Honoris #Causa #Nobel #Prize #Medicine #Thomas #Christian #Südhof



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