2024-01-22 13:30:43
Hot Gossip
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ARM | Insertlive
Monday, 22 Jan 2024 20:30 IWST
Having Become Transgender, Milendaru’s Friend Officially Marries His Girlfriend (Photo: doc. Instagram)
Jakarta, Insertlive –
Aby Respati, Millendaru’s friend, finally officially married his girlfriend, Hardiyanti Pantjur.
The marriage was revealed following the man had been a transgender person and returned to his nature, uploading his wedding photo on his Instagram page on Sunday (21/1).
“Our MasyaAllah Lags????????????????,” wrote Aby Respati as a photo caption.
From the uploaded photo, it appears that Aby Respati and Hardiyanti Pantjur are wearing traditional Javanese clothing during the wedding procession.
The two of them got married in Kutamara, Bogor with an outdoor concept.
Aby Respati and Hardiyanti Pantjur decided to build a household following 8 months of dating.
Marriage is one of Aby Respati’s dreams following deciding to become a real man once more.
He expressed this in a video uploaded to his Instagram page.
“Of the many wishes, the one I wish most is to be your last and always be with you forever,” said Aby Respati.
Aby Respati Wedding Photo/ Photo: doc. Instagram
Aby Respati uploaded a video confessing his journey to repentance on February 5 2018.
Despite losing many friends, including Millendaru, Aby Respati was firm in erasing his past of dressing like a woman.
Aby Respati also asked for support so that he might remain steadfast in becoming the genuine man he was destined to be.
Also watch the following video:
#Transgender #Milendarus #Friend #Officially #Marries #Girlfriend