Transforming Urban Oversight: 1,000 Fresh Cameras to Enhance Safety in Attica

These are roads where the most traffic accidents occur, as announced by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis from TIF, adding that he has already asked the Ministries of Citizen Protection and Digital Governance to submit a comprehensive proposal for the installation of 1,000 cameras.

In particular, the prime minister addressed the issue of helmet use by bicyclists, stressing that “Greece deviates too much from the European average in terms of accidents with motorbikes, motorcycles and brain injuries as a result of the non-universal use of helmets. This is unacceptable. And it is the first battle that we have to fight and win with very strict fines”.

It is indicated that in Greece in 2021 the percentage of motorcyclist deaths was 38%, while the average in the EU was at 19%. Bicyclists who do not wear a helmet are 3 times more likely to die in a traffic accident.

In this context, in September the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport will put the new KOK for public consultation, with sources explaining to the “Free Press” that there will be strict penalties for violations that can cause accidents. Given that there are traffic accidents every day in the country, the purpose of the Ministry of Finance through the new KOK is to change the mentality of drivers on the roads.

In particular, the new KOK introduces a comprehensive policy of fair penalties for violations, depending on their seriousness and dangerousness, but without a punitive nature. The goal is driver compliance and the reduction of accidents.

One of the big changes it will bring is that the penalties will mainly concern the driver and not the vehicle. This means that there will still be fines, suspension of the driver’s license and penalty points in the points system, but no removal of number plates.

Among the provisions that will be put to public consultation are, of course, speed limits. The KOK will provide for a maximum permitted speed limit in residential areas of 30 to 50 km/h. Around schools, drivers will have a 20 km/h limit, while instead it will increase from 120 to 130 km/h on some motorways.

It is clarified that the 30 km/h will be applied in certain parts of the cities, in cooperation with the municipal authorities, where traffic accidents often occur and today the limit is 50 km/h. “We are talking about very specific streets, in the basic urban fabric. Obviously we are not talking about the roads where there is more traffic. The 50 and 70 km/h limit will remain on city roads. The 30 km/h limit is being studied for specific parts of the urban fabric and is being evaluated”, the competent Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Christos Staikouras has stated.

The Ministry of Transport has received suggestions/results of investigations, according to which a traffic accident that takes place, e.g. at a speed of 20 km, has a limited chance of 20% of causing significant problems to those involved in the traffic accident, while one done at a speed of 50 km has a chance of 80%, either with a dead person or with a seriously injured person.

In the new KOK there will also be provisions with special care for vulnerable road users and an extension of offenses involving anti-social behaviour.

Explosive increase in abandoned traffic

According to EL.STAT data, in May alone, road traffic accidents that caused the death or injury of people increased by 10.3% compared to the corresponding month of 2023 (1,000 in May 2024, compared to 907 in May 2023). However, the increase in abandoned traffic accidents in July and August is also explosive, according to the data of “SOS Traffic Crimes”. In two months, 38 incidents were recorded (19 per month), when in the first half of 2024 we had 46 (less than 8 per month). Of the 46 victims (with two dead), the were motorcyclists (54%), 10 pedestrians (22%), 6 cyclists (13%), 4 car drivers. and a wheelchair driver. Of the perpetrators, the vast majority were car drivers. (34), three were motorbike drivers and one was a skate driver!

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#KOK #cameras #scan #streets #Attica



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